Sunday, March 29, 2015

Chicken Pot Pie

I know, that's not chicken pot pie.  I just took THAT out of the oven, and it's cooling, but a picture of chicken pot pie is kind of boring.  It may have been different if I had cut it open, but I'm not doing that.  Anyway, those are the scones I made yesterday!  They ARE delicious, but the dough was way, way, way too wet.  Hehehehe.  ;)  No, but seriously.  I baked them three times longer than the recipe said too, and they still taste underdone.  They aren't, and there are no eggs in them, so it's fine -- they're just very moist.  Hahahaha.  Okay, I'm sorry, my mind is SO in the gutter right now.

Anyway, my favorite scones recipe has HALF as much heavy cream in it, and they turn out a perfect consistency, bake in 8 minutes, and retain their shape.  So, next time I make THIS recipe, I'm using WAY less cream.  And if nobody else wants to eat these ones, well I will.  As far as the chicken pot pie, well, I tweaked the recipe I found online based on the suggestions of people who reviewed it.  Which is cool, the filling tasted amazing, but I had WAY too much to fit in the crust.  Which then led me to question exactly HOW full I'm supposed to fill the bottom crust with filling.  Level?  Heaping?  Spilling over the sides?  I just don't know.  I filled it very full, but now that it's done, I'm obsessing over what I should have done.   It doesn't look full enough.  What if I used too much turmeric.  What if I drop it.  Should I bake it longer, should the middle be brown too?  *sigh*  WHO FREAKING CARES.  It was something to do.  Now that it's done, though, I'm worried it isn't perfect.

I was up before 8 today, yeahhhhhhhhhh!  I made the chicken pot pie, took a shower, put on some makeup, and packed my stuff to go to Joth's.  I'm drinking my coffee right now and listening to music.  It's very hard not to sing along, but if I turn it off, I lose my mojo.  So this entry may not be very good.  That's not the point, though.  Mood tracking.  Do I need to do that?  Probably not.

Let me be frank about something with bipolar.  It is a known problem that most bipolar patients are not, as my mom calls it, "med-compliant".  What the fuck is THAT, anyway?  Like there's a RULE that we must COMPLY with, has someone legislated that we are required to mindlessly swallow the chemicals prescribed in some office by some doctor who isn't even listening to what we're actually saying or considering any other option other than a chemical lobotomy?  Are they really concerned for our well-being, or their paycheck?  Seriously, illness -- mental and otherwise -- need to stop equating to profit, or we'll never get the proper care.

Sorry, I'll stop ranting about that.  ANYway, most bipolar patients fail to take medication regularly.  Do we ever stop to ask ourselves why that might be?  Well I will TELL you!  Right now, I'm manic, and I am SUPER HUMAN.  My mind works faster.  I am more articulate, intelligent, and funny.  I sing better.  (It's true, I don't know why, but it's a verified fact that I've observed over all of my years being bipolar)  I have SO. MUCH. ENERGY.  Dude, I was baking ALLLLLLLLLL day yesterday and I never got tired.  I need less sleep, which gives more time to do all these things I've suddenly become inspired or motivated to do.  I'm more creative.  

It isn't just that mania is feeling better than I personally did before.  It's that I feel better than the average human being ever does.  I was thinking today (please be warned possible TMI to follow) after having some, um, "alone" time with myself that...shit, if I were on medication, I'd never know what it was like to experience that mind-blowing reality-altering trip-to-another-dimension orgasm.  Yeah, it was that good.  And it always IS when I'm manic!  That is the type of orgasm that I'd be willing to bet most people never experience their entire lives, and I am lucky enough to have that experience.  This WHOLE experience.  Why the fuck would I medicate this away??????? 

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