Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why don’t you get out of my life, get out of my sight Get off of my back. Why don’t you get back to your world, Go back to your girl I think you owe her...

BOOyah.  Yup, I did it.  Well to be honest, I had both hands on the ground, but I couldn't find a picture of that.  So just now, I tried the pose as pictured to make sure I can do that too...and I can!

I was looking at a yoga class yesterday, and in the notes the instructor had mentioned something about how -- in yoga and in life -- we have areas of ease and openness, and areas which seem tight and obstinate.  For me, I feel like a rockstar when I spread my legs and put my head down on the floor, or reach behind my back and grab my toes.  But it is very humbling when I try to do the middle splits, or to spread my legs very far out in a forward fold.  It's a reminder, both to not be so cocky because just because you're awesome at one thing, but also not to lose heart just because you suck at another thing.  

There are so many threads, woven intricately into our individual tapestries.  I truly believe, at the end of the day, everything balances out and we are all equal.  It's like studying the doshas, I learned we are all 100%.  We are all made up of kapha, pitta, and vata in varying degrees.  

If I'm 50% vata, 40% pitta, and 10% kapha (which is probably pretty close to what I really am) and Jewel is 70% kapha, 20% vata, and 10% pitta -- she is different, but still EQUAL.  She has 100%.  I have 100%.  None of these things are GOOD, or BAD, or BETTER, or WORSE.  It is the intention behind how we USE our energy, I believe.

Additionally, let's say that I meet another individual who is also 50% vata, 40% pitta, and 10% kapha.  Does that then mean that this person is exactly like me?  No!  Each element manifests in various ways.  Maybe my vata manifests mentally, in my "air-headed" forgetful spacy ways.  Maybe her vata manifests physically, in a slight frame and dry skin.  It's so complex, but so simple.  Everything is everything, just in varying degrees and manifesting in different ways.  On that note, my ayurveda course begins tomorrow.  I am so excited!

I am actually making a lot of progress in a lot of ways.  I stepped back and took a look at my life and where it is going and I am very satisfied.  I am taking the kids, the loves of my life, to a movie tonight.  I am going to the April shamanic journey meetup on Friday.  I am getting my level 1 Reiki attunement in a couple weeks.  The sister circle is starting a book club, beginning with Women Who Run With Wolves (which, coincidentally, I found at a garage sale this past summer and bought).  I am just so fucking happy.  Really!

Happy April 1, by the way.  I finished my 30 day yoga challenge and decided that today was a good day to begin a new 30 day commitment.  This month is all about Ashtanga.  I found a 45 minute beginner Ashtanga flow on YogaGlo, so I'm going to do that every day for the next month.  

Also, I ordered the ingredients I need to make my own toothpaste and deodorant.  I'm turning into a weirdo, I know.  But  the more you learn about toxic ingredients we consume on a daily basis, the more you want to find ways around it!  I don't have to have flouride.  I don't have to plug the pores in my armpits with cancer-causing chemicals.  I'm EXCITED to take charge of my own health!  The food co-op even orders from Creswick Farms.  Their cows are grass-fed, not given antibiotics or growth stimulants, and allowed to live happily and peacefully.  I can actually feel good about buying meat again.

I'm getting my hair done today in a couple hours, so I'm just killing time until then.  Today was supposed to be a cleaning day, but it's raining and I don't feel like it.  I think I'll read a book instead.  :)

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