Wednesday, April 16, 2014

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead, And the white knight is talking backwards, And the red queen's off with her head, Remember what the dormouse said -- Feed your head, feed your head

This is Inanna.  Isn't she beautiful?  The reason I chose her today is because she, like Persephone, descended into the underworld.  Her death lasted for...three days.  Hmmm.  Now may we draw a parallel between religions here?  First, what were all these myths and stories trying to explain?  

I watched the movie Zeitgeist yesterday.  Well, not the whole thing, because I had to get Tristan from school.  I plan to finish it today.  Anyway, in the beginning they describe Christian mythology and compare it to the stories in other mythologies that came before.  Horus was born of the virgin Isis, died and was resurrected.  The movie gave several other examples, but the point I'm trying to make is that this idea was around before Christianity was invented.  So if we look deeper, we wonder why all the stories are so similar.  What is the underlying meaning?  What is the metaphor?

Too many people take religious teachings too literally, and miss out on the treasure of wisdom contained in the metaphor.  They destroy the mystery and beauty by turning into a cold, dead, two-dimensional "fact", arguing over  the interpretation of those "facts", when they are completely missing the point.  All religions are just different ways of trying to explain the SAME. DAMN. THING.  The problem is, those in power have often seen fit to  twist religion to suit their political agenda, as a way of manipulating and controlling the masses.  And of course, we're all too eager to jump at each other's throats playing "My God is better than yours" while the puppet masters sit back and have a laugh. 

Stop falling for it!  Whatever religion you choose, use it to perpetuate love and peace.  Focus on the teachings, not the dogma.  Don't worry about what other people believe.  Be an example.  Stop getting so caught up in the details  that you forget we are all so much more similar than we are different, and so much more powerful when we unite.  Anyway, that's MY sermon for the day.

I do feel like a big shift is happening, and I'm excited.  I believe the next phase of my life is where I'm really going to be able to make a difference.  Sometimes I feel like I'm too old to accomplish anything significant, but in that movie I learned (or was reminded, not sure if I knew before) that Jesus didn't start his work until he was 30.  I am in no way comparing myself to Jesus -- I'm just saying that, having started at 30 doesn't mean I can't make a positive impact on this world.

I did the 90 minute half primary today and I feel great!  The vinyasas in between the ending postures don't irritate me as much as they did before.  It was the three part jump-through from downward dog to sitting that was really frustrating to me.  I still can't do it, but I modified and I'm closer than I was before.  At least I'm trying.

I went to pick up some protein shakes from my mom at work today and she told me I must not be eating enough because I'm getting so skinny.  Victory!!  When you see yourself every day in the mirror, you don't really notice when your body changes.  I put on my "skinny jeans" (not skinny style, but jeans I wore when I was skinny) and they were BAGGY today.  These were the jeans I wore before I got pregnant for Sienna.  Besides, I weighed myself at Grandma's and I was only 5 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight -- but much healthier this time.  Instead of drugs and skipped meals, now I am nourishing my body with healthy food and daily yoga.

Those little changes we make every day may not seem like very much, but when you add up each millimeter every day over a period of time, you can go miles.  :)

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