Thursday, April 17, 2014

Coconut Oil, Crystal Deodorant, and Fake Cigarettes

In honor of my latest tropical obsession, coconut oil, I decided to choose a goddess of Hawaii -- Pele.  Behold.  :)

So, here's the crazy thing.  Actually, two crazy things -- a bit of foreshadowing which occurred in my life about 5 years ago.  At that time, my life was COMPLETELY different.  I had just left Tristan's dad.  I stayed in a domestic violence shelter in Hastings and then got a cute little one bedroom attic apartment right there in town.  I was on cash assistance, food stamps, and section 8.  I did not drive.  Not only had I sold my car to pay for an abortion, but I was so far behind in child support that my license was suspended anyway.

This was my first opportunity to actually get to know myself.  Previously, I had always lived for someone else.  I wasn't CHRISTINE, I was (insert name here)'s girlfriend.  I didn't do things, WE did.  I liked whatever he liked.  I rearranged my life to accommodate whoever I was with.  Whomever?  Whatever.  Anyway. 

It wasn't until this time that I suddenly and startlingly realized that I didn't even know who I was.  I didn't even know what I liked!  To put it in perspective, I went from my parents' house to Brian's house to my own apartment while I dated the guy I had cheated on Brian with which Tristan's dad then moved into after I met him.  We then lived together until I left him.  When had I ever spent time by myself?  All this time, I had expended so much energy trying to be whatever (insert name here) wanted me to be that I had never once stopped to ask myself who I really was.

So, at this apartment by myself in Hastings, I finally discovered that my favorite scent was coconut.  I realized that I was enamored with it.  I had coconut scented body wash, deodorant, bath salts, candles, and incense.  I couldn't get enough.  That was one of the first things I remember learning about who I was independent of any relationship.  Around that same time, I joined a dating site.  This was long before I really got much into Eastern philosophy like I am now.  But for some reason, the name I chose as a handle on that site was LotusBlossom.  Yeah...for real.

Now look, Sienna was delivered by a Crowning Lotus doula, I am all about the yoga lifestyle and Eastern philosophy, and have become obsessed with coconut oil due to the fact that it can pretty much do anything and is totally kick-ass.  I mean, seriously.  I made toothpaste with it.  I put it in my hair and on my body.  I used it instead of butter in the kids' macaroni and cheese, greased the pan with it that I made Tristan's pancake in, and made THE BEST grilled cheese EVER by spreading it on the bread instead of butter.  I feel like I was always heading toward this.  

I mean, I also think about how, three months before Dwight and I split up, I went to Shipsy with my mom, grandma, aunt, sister, and (girl) cousins.  This was...3 years ago.  My mom offered to buy me something from one of the vendors as a birthday gift, and for some reason I was drawn to the necklace I still wear today -- the Hindu OM symbol made of water buffalo bone.  Again, I still didn't know much -- I probably STILL don't know much, but I wasn't actively pursuing that path like I am now. year ago, after I had Sienna.  That's when I met Sue, the counselor/yoga instructor.  The woman who taught me meditations, mudras, mindfulness.  (Oooh, alliteration...) She is the one who said that if I developed a relationship with yoga by practicing daily, it would help me break free from the thinking that I needed a relationship with Noe. I mean, seriously??!!  It's like, every two years something happens that pushes me closer to where I'm supposed to be.  It's really cool, actually.  And this is not at all what I intended to write about, but this is what it is.  Good day!

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