Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Not unfaithful but I'll stray...when I get a little scared, when I get a little scared...

Well, shit.  I've already done flowers, food, animals, gemstones, yoga poses...what now?  I am going to be doing the exact same Ashtanga class for the next 30 days, so I'm not going to have new yoga poses all the time.  I'm sure by the time I reach the end of this post, I'll think of something.
*It's going to be goddesses.  Duh.  Meet Lakshmi!  :)

It's a beautiful day!  It's sunny and a little warm.  Ahhhhh SPRING!  I was starting to think winter would never end.  I'm starting to wake up from hibernation.  On Saturday I finally bought a don't even WANT to know how long it's been since I've shaved.  You know what, though?  I don't really even care.  If I want to do it, I'll do it, and if I don't...why should I?  

If I do end up in a relationship, I don't want the person to be expecting the hoop earrings-full face of makeup-legs shaved-hair not in a ponytail girl every day.  Because that's just not who I am.  And who I AM is no less because I don't see the point in doing those things all the time.  Who I end up with should understand that those are things I do for me, when I want to, and not a duty I need to fulfill in order to make another person happy.  

I do feel beautiful right now though.  I got my hair done yesterday, and Sarah is just amazing.  I will never let anyone else touch my hair as long as I live!  It looks great, and it's finally starting to look healthy again after I murdered it this past summer.  She put a fun purple streak in it which I will thoroughly enjoy until it fades away.  

I'm pretty sure the mania has tapered off.  I was writing furiously for hours on my last "weekend", unable to stop for the life of me.  Last week at work, I actually had a couple days that were difficult to get out of bed.  I wasn't depressed, I wasn't manic -- just kind of in between.  Is that what normal feels like?  I wouldn't know.  

I gave Sarah the gifts I got for Sienna's birthday so she can give them to Kelli.  I wrote her a trite little poem on the inside cover of the book I got her.  Forgive me if I already talked about this, I don't mean to be redundant.  I got her a glow worm and Shel Silverstein's "A Giraffe and a Half" because my love of poetry started in first grade with Shel Silverstein.  That was something which impacted who I became in a significant way.  My teacher would read a poem of his every day, and I had her for two years.  Eventually my "show and tell" would be just me, reading a poem I had written.  Here's the one I wrote for Sienna:

A smile so big, a spirit bright
It gave me so much joy
A heart so filled with beaming light
You glow, just like this toy

Love beyond your wildest dreams
Is what I wish for you
Seeing all the love you have
I know my wish came true

The other gift I want to share
The love of written word
The poems of Shel Silverstein
Were the first I ever heard

What a life you've had so far
I can't believe you're one!
So much growing still to do
And so much, so much fun.

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