Monday, June 1, 2015

Gemini full moon horoscope

I'm just going to leave this's from Chani Nicholas

Gemini copyGemini & Gemini Rising
Your need to demonstrate, activate and investigate your independence has been matched by an equal need to seek out commitments that feel possible, positive and fruitful for you. Tuesdays full moon highlights this tension. How can you be true to your uncatchable nature and find comfort in being captured by your rapture for another? How can you follow your own lead in business while maintaining rewarding partnerships?
A great compassion for your struggle, a wealth of creativity and a host of imaginative solutions are called for to resolve this potential conflict. Make sure that you arent being caught up in an either/or type of situation. Be on the lookout for situations that make you feel like you have to compromise everything for another. Meditate on the place that lands you in-between the extremes of what you want and what others want. 
Find a middle ground. 
The same goes for your authority. Notice if you are trying to sneakily pass it off to another. Notice if you are overly committed to having something be all your fault or all theirs. Notice if you wish it were that simple and then see if you can revel in the complex paradoxes that proliferate within every relationship. 
It might just be time to show up for others how you wish they would show up for you. Swallow your pride in all your affairs and see what comes of it.
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