Thursday, June 18, 2015


I love that poster.  I totally hope I can get one at Hoodilidoo, I want to put it on my WALL.  Soooooooo, I just got done (kinda) packing.  For me, that means I gathered up a couple of tie-dyed skirts, some maxi dresses, a tank top, some deodorant, and my tooth brush.  I am the WORST camper EVER.  I get overwhelmed by all of the things, just like when I go grocery shopping.  My brain tries to shut down on me.  BUT, it's only a weekend, I'll be okay.  Oooooh!  Maybe I should bring some BLANKETS.  Yeah, I probably should.  Damn, I wish I had thought about that before.  I would have washed them.

So, let's see, update update update.  Do you ever just randomly stop and LOVE something?  Like, for no reason?  I was blow drying my hair and I was like, wow.  I love my hair.  Not in a vain kind of way, but more in appreciation for my haircut.  Sarah really is good at what she does.  My hair has so much more body and movement, especially when I blow dry it.  The only thing I don't like is that whenever she puts colors in it, they never last.  I know I have had colors put in at Design 1 before and I feel like they have lasted a LITTLE longer.  I think it's because they bleached the area first, and I know Sarah doesn't.  I mean, other than to dye it blonde.  But she doesn't BLEACH bleach it.  On one hand, bright colors would pop and stay longer if she did, but on the other hand it totally strips your hair and would do a lot of damage.  

Mike and Kelli never updated photos of Sienna in May.  I didn't say anything.  That was around the time that Cuntasaurus Bitch (long story, I'll explain momentarily) was contacting goddess knows WHO about my past.  I made peace with that though.  Whoever knows, knows.  Whatever they think of me, they think of me.  What has happened can't be changed.  My mom never even posted on my wall for my birthday, either.  My mom already knew, though, so that could have been for some unrelated reason.  For crying out loud, it's not like it MATTERS.

So anyway, long ago in an identity far away, I was friends with a girl named Krista.  Now, I am a bit socially awkward and I don't make friends very easily.  I liked her.  She was really cool, and she seemed to be very like-minded.  She knew a lot about the topics I was interested in, she liked to go out dancing, she was fun, she hung out with me and talked to me, and was accepting.  Open minded.  I thought.  

I was married at the time to Dwight.  Our relationship was great, at the time.  Neither of us gave a shit about responsibilities and used one another as an enabler to party our lives away.  You can't sustain a life, much less a marriage, that way...but anyway, this entry isn't about that.  Dwight met a friend at community mental health while they were both waiting for their psychiatrists.  "Crazy Adam" came over to hang out with Dwight, and Krista was over at my house visiting me.  This was not pre-arranged, just happened that way.  After what transpired between them, "Crazy Adam" vowed never to speak to Dwight or I ever again.  He was convinced that he had been set up.  I mean, sure, he was a paranoid schizophrenic so I'm sure that contributed.  In fact, I assumed that Krista's version of events was accurate because this guy was mentally ill and she seemed so sincere.

He told us that he had gone to her house and she was acting weird and crazy, so he left.  She tracked him down and confronted him, shrieking about how she has a fear of abandonment.  She clawed at herself, ripping her own shirt, and called the police on him saying that he had assaulted her.  I believed her.  Then, I brought her to a bonfire at a house of some friends of Dwight and myself.  Their friend Joel was there.  Krista and Joel hung out.  Now, I knew Joel a little bit better than I knew Crazy Adam.  So when he said he had woken up one night at her apartment to her screaming, throwing things, assaulting him, and basically losing her shit...I began to wonder.  I decided not to take sides.

But then.  I saw that she had become Facebook friends with Fabio.  I asked him how he knew her, he said she had requested him.  I warned him that she was likely crazy and that he should be careful.  He didn't listen.  So basically, she had gone through MY friends list and added him from THERE.  Anyway, they hung out and it was time for him to leave because he needed to get his son.  She started freaking out, losing her shit, threatening him, talking about her fear of abandonment and all that other bullshit again.  She threatened to call CPS as leverage and manipulation to get him to obey her.  So from there, Fabio and I have since referred to her as Cuntasaurus Bitch.

I, of course, blocked ALL of her Facebook accounts (at the time she had like 5, and they each interacted with the others) and never spoke to her again.  Fast forward five years later, I decide that the past is the past and I unblocked her.  I never messaged her, added her as a friend, or interacted with her in any way.  I simply unblocked her as a symbolic releasing of all past negativity.  Before I knew it, someone was messaging Joth telling him things that he already knew and also making up lies he never believed.  I assumed it was someone else, I never made the connection.  But then the organizer of Hoodilidoo messaged me to let me know that she had some awful things to say to HIM about me, but thankfully he's a cool guy and he's got my back so he stood up for me and she called him a vampire.  What a weirdo.

Speaking of CPS, they went to Brian's yesterday and talked to Jewel and everything seems fine on that front.  They just asked her where she sleeps when she's here, and she doesn't sleep in the same room as Tristan so I'm pretty sure that's all they needed to know.  The guy from Zeeland called me back yesterday and we made an appointment for Tristan with him next Friday.  

I just finished my espresso, which was actually pretty dumb since I had planned to take a nap after blogging.  I guess that's not happening.  Well, I really don't have much else to talk about, so I'll check in after Hoodilidoo.  !!!  

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