Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Is it a coincidence that the Egyptian goddess of war and divine retribution also rules over menstruation?  Hahaha, I think not.  For all the negative flak that comes along with getting your period, I think we can all agree that this is a time that a woman will take no shit.  You fuck with me during this time and there WILL be war.  

It's not all anger, though.  I feel fully in my power during my moon time.  I am more sensitive, both psychically and emotionally.  The first two days I usually take off from yoga due to fatigue, but when I return still in my flow, I find that I am more flexible.  I have more conviction.  Less patience for bullshit.  I am less inclined to play games or to sit sweetly and be quiet.  To hell with social conventions, fuck "being a lady".  I'll say it like it is.  

BUT, it's not like I'm out roaming the streets, up in everybody's face, telling them where to shove it.  I generally keep to myself, and I've been trying to incorporate more self-nurturing into my moon time (like herbal baths, relaxing with a book and a cup of tea, self-healing reiki, extra sleep, etc).  I even bought a red bracelet to wear as a way to honor my womanhood and also as a signal to others to approach me with caution.  ;)

I have learned so much about life just by stepping back and observing the simple things I do every day.  Jewel had lice, and I was so pissed off at those motherfucking bugs.  I was thinking about it, though, and it's not the louse's fault that it was born a louse.  Crawling on our heads and feeding on our blood is in their nature.  It isn't something they do to us out of dislike or anger.  That's just what they do.  They just want to live.  (I'm not proposing we let lice roam free on our heads, oh no, never that!)  What I AM saying, though, is...we are kind of like lice.  

We are drilling holes in Mother Earth, fracking, mining, releasing poisonous gases into the air...imagine if the earth is her scalp, and all this fucked up shit we're doing to better ourselves is hurting HER.  If your head was a planet, and there were little inhabitants blowing shit up, drilling holes, and fucking up the'd have no sympathy for them, would you?  KILL THEM ALL!  That's how we feel when we get lice.  

When there are natural disasters, religious people wonder, "Why, God?  Why me???  Why would a loving god let so many people die in that flood/hurricane/fire/earthquake/tsunami/tornado???  Those people just wanted to live, that's all!"  Does anyone wonder why a loving god would allow mass extermination of the lice and the roaches that "just wanted to live"?  Maybe to US, our lives are more important...but how to we know that there is any distinction in the eyes of "god"?  No one is exempt from the life/death/life cycles.  It's not fair for anyone, or anything.  What is survival for one species is destruction (or irritation) for another.  We just need to keep it in balance.

So, as usual, I went off on a bit of a tangent.  I also wanted to talk about reaching goals.  I've always struggled with acceptance, but yoga is helping me learn the meaning.  

*I started this entry a while ago and saved it, intended to return and finish my thought about acceptance.  But that never happened and I have a new entry for today.

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