Monday, June 23, 2014


Have I done Isis yet?  I can't remember.  I don't have an Isis photo in my gallery, so I'm thinking not.  Anyway, I am feeling MUCH better today.  I did some yoga last night after I posted, and again this morning.  I got back to my green smoothies too.  I had neglected that stuff for a little while, but I'm BACK.

My yoga practice has blossomed into something truly beautiful and fulfilling.  I memorized the poses in the half primary, so I have stopped using YogaGlo.  I turn Pandora on to the Yoga station for some soothing background music, and just tune into my inner self and flow.  I am getting so much more out of it now without the distraction of the teacher talking, or looking up at the TV.  I am able to be fully aware of myself and it is so rewarding to have gotten to this point.  I feel so happy.

My doctor's appointment went fine, I am waiting on results from some bloodwork from the lab.  I'm a little nervous, but it will be what it will be.  They did a pap, so I'll know if it's cervical cancer or the beginnings of it shortly.  Also they tested several other things to see if it's my thyroid or other hormonal issue, as well as a blood pregnancy test (since it's too early to take a HPT).  I also requested an STD test since I was there, just to be on the safe side.  I am hoping all is well.  If all the blood work is good, but if I continue to have irregular bleeding, he will schedule an ultrasound to check my ovaries and other internal reproductive organs.

I had a venti cinnamon dolce latte with an extra shot of espresso after my appointment, thinking it would give me motivation to clean my apartment.  My body has been slowly weaning itself off caffeine though -- I used to drink 80 ounces of coffee a day at work, and without even trying to, my body automatically shifted and I'm only drinking 20 now.  So, it felt like a drug.  I got high, jittery, breathless, shaky, and sweaty.  I also felt very nauseated.  I still drank a green smoothie afterward (mango banana peach with coconut milk, spinach, ashwagandha, maca, and spirulina) and now I feel ill.  Ugh.  Coffee no bueno.

I did get the kitchen clean, though.  It looks pretty great.  Now I'm not sure if I want to listen to a dharma talk, play some more with my hula hoop, or read.  My mind is all scattered.  I'm hoping the ashwagandha will even me out.  Then, in a couple hours, I get to pick up the kids!  Yayyyy :)  I'm anxious to make up for the last "weekend" since I was so mopey.

Speaking of weekends, we just had a surprise shift bid at work.  Yeah, I know.  I thought we weren't having another one until November, and I planned my whole summer around having the kids on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Now, the only consecutive days off are weekends, and if you don't get those, you're stuck with split days off.  Even if I get weekends, that's going to take away family time because their dads have them every other weekend.  I'm so sad.  :(  But, it will be as it is meant to be, and all I can do is flow with it.

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