Thursday, June 26, 2014


I am soooo tirrrrrrrrred.  I am so tired, I can barely blog.  My whole body feels like it is tingling.  I was so tired this morning, I could barely get out of bed...I left 15 minutes later than I ever have because I needed that extra sleep.  No green smoothie.  No makeup.  No yoga.  I was so tired, I forgot to put on deodorant or grab shorts to wear to Maria's yoga class tonight, so I didn't go.

Which is just as well, because I am so. damn. TIRED.  How long does it take to get labs back from the doctor?  I'm sure something is wrong with me.  I can't be pregnant, I'm not depressed, but this fatigue....ohhhhh, it's killing me.  

Why am I even trying to blog?  I can barely type.  I'm just staring at the screen.  Oh, because I have some news.  We heard back about shift bids today and I got 8:15-5:15 with Sundays and Tuesdays off.  Split days off is SUPER SUCKY, but I can make this work.  Besides, having Sundays off will be nice for when the new temple is built later this summer.  I'll be able to go, and I really feel pulled in that direction.

I've been invited to the wedding of a girl I was friends with in high school.  I think I'm going to go, but I'm going to be that loser who goes alone.  Why would I bring just some random date, just to have one?  It will be awkward, though.  I mean, it's not like I'm ASHAMED of being single.  I'm not.  But what do I do when everyone is slow dancing?  Maybe I shouldn't go.  Ughhhhhhhh I don't know what to do.  Hey!  Maybe Shyloh will go with me.  She'd probably get the wrong idea, though.

Speaking of Shyloh, she's riding with me to Peace Fest.  And Fabio is coming with his girlfriend Crystal!  Vanessa is meeting me there but I'm not sure if she's staying.  I don't think Shyloh knows that Vanessa will be there (Vanessa is her ex) and I'm not telling her either.  It'll be like a reunion of the old gang, minus one.  

It was kind of nice to get back in touch with Fabio.  I had to laugh when he called me C-Bass, no one has called me that in a long time.  I love making new friends, getting closer to acquaintances, and building my new life...but I must admit, it's nice to reconnect with people who really know me.  Who I am comfortable around.  People I can be ME around...

I'm so damn scared and shy around everyone else.  I'm always locked up so tight in my little box.  It's nice to be able to come out once in a while.  I just realized this entry is rambling and not making much sense.  I thought I had more news but I can't remember what it was, so I guess  that's all for now.  

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