Saturday, June 7, 2014


Hi!  Is there a goddess of WORK?  Nonstop WORKING?  I volunteered for this, but I had no way to predict how much it would take out of me.  I worked on both my days off for overtime and I'm staying until 7pm on Monday night.  I'm exhausted.  I didn't think answering the phones could take so much out of you, but it's mentally draining. 

*BEEP* "I want to cancel my service" *BEEP* "I fucking hate Charter, come get your shit out of my house NOW" *BEEP* "You people raised my rate" *BEEP* "My DVR doesn't work" *BEEP* "I'm on a fixed income" *BEEP* "I want a credit on my bill" *BEEP* "You care about your new customers more than your loyal ones" *BEEP* "The NSA is spying on me through my cable box" (Yes, I have really had that call -- twice) *BEEP* "I'm moving" *BEEP* "My mom is dead" *BEEP* "I'm not paying for that asshole's cable anymore" *BEEP* "I didn't order those pornos" (Yeah, I'm sure the pay per view totally ordered itself.  Yup.  I believe you.  NOT)

On the bright side, though, my next check will be NICE -- it will have fifteen hours of overtime at $21 each, along with my commission -- which is actually a super good thing because I just got a letter from the secretary of state saying my license is suspended and I need to pay NOW or I'll go to jail if they catch me driving.  YIKES.  And being that I live in Wayland and there's no real crime here so they pull you over for things like not scraping your back window (yes, it happened to me), I really need to stop messing around.

So let me tell you about the awesomeness!  I was torn between two lives, the life with the sister circle and my life as a mom.  Since no kids were allowed at circles, I felt like it was selfish if I ever took time away from the kids to be with the circle, but I also felt discontent when I missed time with the circle because I had the kids.  A solution presented itself.  At the new moon, Shauna made an announcement that a lot of things were changing and one of them is that children can now attend, just like they would in church.  This makes my heart celebrate.

More awesomeness -- yesterday, I was at Festival of the Arts with Jewel.  We were strolling down the side streets, looking at the vendors.  Actually we were specifically looking for Jillian because I wanted some henna.  I saw a booth selling spring rolls and noodles with a banner that said, "GREAT WISDOM MEDITATION CENTER".  I passed it twice before it clicked that THAT is the name of the temple here in Wayland that I tried to go to but freaked out because it was someone's house.  So, I got in line and ordered some noodles.  I asked the girl if they were in Wayland and she said yes.  I told her what had happened and she told me they are building a new temple this summer, and to come!  Perfect!!!  Maybe by the time it's built, I will have a schedule with Sundays off.

Even MORE awesomeness, today is my birthday.  Yeahhhhh.  It's a pretty great day, even taking into account the letter from the SOS.  I was trying to plan my budget, and that letter pretty much took the guesswork out of the equation.  Now there's no doubt about what I'm doing.

Jewel and I listened to Shawna's husband's band The Muteflutes (they were sooooo good!!!) and Skankadank, which includes Danielle's husband, Maria's boyfriend/fiancee, and Jamie -- a fellow sistar.  I feel like I kind of need a musician boyfriend or girlfriend.  I would really like that a lot, in fact.  I picture someone playing his/her guitar for me next to a bonfire....ahhhh, that would be the life :)

BAAAAHAHAHA!  I googled "Goddess of Birthdays" to choose a goddess for today, and this link came up to input your birthday and get your goddess.  Mine was LILITH!  That's too perfect.  I love Lilith, Adam's first wife who refused to submit and basically said fuck you I'm not beneath you, I'm outta here.  Hell yeah.  A woman who needs no man, which we all know by now are the goddesses I adore most of all.  :)

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