Monday, January 11, 2016

Water and Snot -- Day 3 Conscious Cleanse

Hoooo boy.  Well, today is day 3 of the conscious cleanse.  And Monday.  And Mercury IS in retrograde.  I'm not feeling quite as bubbly and unstoppable as I was this weekend, but I am trying to just recognize this feeling as a passing cloud as I watch it drift by.  I am the mountain.  

I can't really say what's wrong.  I mean, I had a good day.  I got a 16 ounce cup and put a little matcha in it (since I don't have to give up caffeine yet) and filled it SIX TIMES.  That's above and beyond, since the challenge is to drink half my body weight in ounces of water.  So if I weigh 140 pounds, I need to drink 70 ounces.  I think I beat that -- and surprisingly, it didn't seem like that much.  I could totally do that every day.

Today's yoga practice was considerably more challenging than yesterday's!  There were a few poses I couldn't hold the entire time -- we had to do an excruciatingly long chair pose, without any idea of when it would end because she would say, "One more breath" and would proceed to babble for at least three more.  I got pretty sore, though, and she led pretty clearly.  Her instruction was good enough that I didn't have to look at the screen much, which was good because every time I looked down, my glasses slid down my nose and fell off my face.  She did a guided relaxation thing during savasana, which was nice.  The affirmation we were supposed to repeat throughout the practice was, "I am pure."  Ha.  Yeah.  I'm pure...

No but for real, it was about stripping off the outer layers and getting back in touch with our essence.  That ties in a little to the hypno session, because the "ME" I saw on the other side of the door was just that -- purely me, unadulterated, unfiltered.  100% Christine, no fillers added, not from concentrate.  

I am currently defeating an onslaught of germs.  I shall emerge victorious, but there is much snotshed.  And sneezing.  Or, ALMOST sneezing -- you know, when you feel like you need to sneeze, and you alllllllmost, and your nose tingles, and your eyes water...and water some more....then the sneeze goes away.  It's been like that all day.  

I calculated out what day of the cleanse I'll be on during our murder mystery dinner train date.  That day, I'm to be abstaining from caffeine, alcohol, sugar, dairy, eggs, and gluten.  Is chicken marsala gluten free?  I might cheat and have a glass of wine.  I rarely drink, and it's a special occasion.  

Okay anyway gotta get some rest.  Later!

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