Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 10 Conscious Cleanse -- Fruits and Veggies. And Tea and Tea and Tea.

Okay, so today it got real.  As you can see, I got my new water bottle!  Isn't it awesome?  I love it!  

Today was fruits and veggies only, and 2 tablespoons of healthy fats.  I had a smoothie for breakfast with 2 cups of coconut water/pineapple juice (no sugar added), a banana, greens, and a cup of frozen berries.  I snacked throughout the day on fresh green beans and dried fruit with no sugar added.  For lunch, I had an apple.  When I got home, I had some romaine lettuce and a cut up avocado with olive oil and vinegar.  It was my first time using olive oil and vinegar on salad and I used too much vinegar so it was pretty disgusting. 

For dinner, though, I made a pretty awesome soup!  I used free range chicken broth and a small bag of frozen veggies, some garlic, pink Himalayan salt, and Italian seasoning.  I had blue corn chips with it (made with just corn and salt).  For dessert, I had a few pitted dates.  Dates gave me the sweet satisfaction I was craving.

I did the yoga part tonight because it was 42 minutes.  It was another slow flow with Doug Swenson, but Joth broke his laptop so I had to play the video on the PC and it kept skipping.  That's really annoying when you're trying to follow  the flow, but I did what I could and it went just fine.  Tomorrow is liquids only!  Okay, so let's talk about how this is going.

The good:  Natural energy.  I've broken my addiction to caffeine and I am just naturally vibrant and perky.  I never thought I'd be able to get ideas to flow like this without a stimulant, and I'm delighted to see that life can be just as sparkly without caffeine.  This is awesome.  Also, it's way easier to wake up in the morning.  I feel more calm and peaceful, more in the flow of life.  I feel balanced and less irritable.  I haven't felt this good in a really long time!  I stopped bleeding, also.

The bad:  I think my digestive system has had about enough of this.  Today, I was an endless stream of noxious farts.  It was just never ending and I had to keep going to the bathroom.  No way was I sneaking one of those out at my desk.  Also, I had diarrhea.  That was unpleasant, but I figure I must be cleaning out my intestines really well or something.  

The ugly:  I'm bloated and I have acne.  Usually, I only break out right before my period.  However, everything has gone haywire right now.  They say that the cleanse is supposed to make your skin look BETTER, but that is not the case here.  However, in yesterday's video, they did say that if you feel cruddy that's a good  thing and it means it's working.  All of these symptoms were listed as things that would be normal to encounter.  I'm glad I listened to that, because otherwise I'd be worried right now.  

I'm very glad, because this has set into motion a lifestyle of healthier eating, which I have been aiming for for a while.  Being more conscious of what I am actually eating is very eye opening.  Not only that, but I've been loving the daily yoga.  It feels so good.  I feel so healthy.  I am pretty sure I haven't lost weight, but I feel much better.

At work, I am listening to the audiobook of the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.  It's amazing!  I really feel settled into this receptive place of peace and clarity.  I feel like an antenna for wisdom, like downloads and understanding are just beginning to pour into me.  I was thinking in the shower about my life's purpose, and I thought to myself that I am very grateful to have material comforts like a hot shower, clothing, food, and a warm house.  I thought that with these blessings, I am in a position to help others get to a place where they can get closer to Moksha.  Then it clicked in my mind, and I thought, "Yes!  I am here to help everyone achieve liberation!"  I gasped out loud, because only AFTER I said that did I realize that the acronym for that would be HEAL.  Help Everyone Achieve Liberation.

I'm not saying that I'm more enlightened than others, oh heavens no.  Not at all.  But I have the benefit of having access to resources which would allow me to assist others in having easier access to resources to help along their journey.  Like I've been saying, I need to start a meditation group, or a book club, or a drum circle, or a shamanic journey group.  SOMETHING.  The time is now, I can feel it!

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