Sunday, January 10, 2016

Get Your Green On -- Day 2 Conscious Cleanse

Dude.  I had the most BRILLIANT idea yesterday.  I'm always looking for ways to simplify, right?  So I have been blending and freezing my greens ahead of time.  This way, I can get a giant bag of spinach or kale and it will last.  If I use it fresh from the fridge, it gets wilty in a matter of days.  I picked up this tip from somewhere to blend all the greens with liquid (I usually use coconut water or aloe juice) then pour the blended liquid into a muffin tin and freeze.  Just throw in a green cupcake to each smoothie, and voila.  

Well, yesterday I simplified the process even more.  It takes time for me to add all of my powdered supplements, and sometimes when I'm in a hurry I forget one or accidentally dump in waaaaaaay too much.  Everyone in this house has a cold, and flu season is upon us, so elderberries are important but I forget to take the syrup every day.  SO, here's what I did.  I made about two quarts of elderberry tea -- added about a half cup of dried elderberries to the water, then put in cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, eleuthero, astragalus, and schisandra berries.  I brought it to a boil then simmered about 15 minutes, strained out the elderberries, added raw honey.  BAM.  I can use this liquid as my base, and it already includes my supplements and honey!  ALSO, when I made my green cupcakes last night, I added in a bunch of spirulina.  I'm a smoothie genius.  ;)

Today's yoga practice was a little slower and a little longer.  The instructor was Doug Swenson, and he was very relaxed and laid back.  It felt nice to do things at a slower pace, and during the class, he gave a lot of useful information about detoxing.  

We watched the Princess Bride last night with the kids, they actually loved it!  I am so fond of that movie.  It's a timeless classic :)  I felt really close to Joth, and felt like I could barely handle the amount of love bursting forth from inside me for him.  Oh!  I almost forgot!  He hypnotized me, and it was AMAAAAAAZING!!!

I'm a very skeptical person.  I looooove when cool things happen, and I give credit where credit is due.  But I also try to judge things with a discerning mind and keep my critical thinking intact when evaluating anything.  I know that sounds weird coming from me, and I seem like completely the opposite, but it's true.  So I thought, based on my short hypnosis class and what I've read, that it would be a very relaxing time where someone does basically a guided meditation and gives you affirmations which hopefully become seeded in your consciousness, motivating you to make changes.  I didn't think hypno was a bad thing, it seemed cool.  I believed in it and everything, I just didn't believe it would be quite what I experienced.  I was impressed!

I have trouble visualizing during guided meditations, but this was like a lucid dream.  I could see things, vividly, and was interacting in this completely imaginary realm but at the same time I knew I was in the bedroom and could hear Joth's voice talking to me, so I wasn't asleep or actually dreaming.  He asked me to look at a doorway, and usually in a guided meditation, I have to struggle to call forth imagery and it feels forced, the pictures don't come very well into focus and it just seems like something I'm trying very hard to make up.  I was surprised to see a door, as clear as any physical door I have ever seen.  I noticed fine details in clear focus.  My mind would pleasantly drift completely off at times, like I left my body and I would come back and he'd be at a different part.  I heard Austin knocking at the door a few times, and if I had been meditating, that would have knocked me out of my head and straight back into my body.  Hell, even if I had been SLEEPING it would have awakened me.  But I stayed there, right in that place, I didn't lose the imagery or switch out of trance.  I have experienced it, it's the real deal, and I'm a true believer.

I think that's what I needed to experience before I could be comfortable enough to hypnotize anyone.  Now I feel confident, though, and I know it works.  He hypnotized me for fear of rejection, so we'll see over the next few weeks how that may manifest.  I'm going to try to blog every day so I can notice any changes, between that and the cleanse.

I know you don't want to hear this but it has to be said.  Last night we had the best sex I could ever have imagined, I couldn't take it.  He was oozing sex appeal, charm, and charisma.  He was channeling this super sex god mesmerizing captivating lust-inducing mind-twisting energy and it had me just overwhelmed, so ON, so enthralled, so enchanted.  It was better than drugs.  I saw him in a way that I never have before, and I was impressed and awe-struck -- I felt so super lucky that I get to be the girl beside this man.  

I feel like this is a good sign that things are healthier, and we are definitely working through our issues which makes me incredibly happy.  But I still don't know whether I feel echoed back the depth and strength of what I feel for him.  Which is fine, I don't require anything of him and I honor his feelings whatever they may be toward me.  I should know, of all people, that there's no way to force anyone to feel anything.  It's just that I ache with the intensity of passion and admiration for him, and it scares me a little that it might not be mutual.  I used to feel like he adored me in this way, but I kind of feel like I fell off the pedestal.  I know he still loves me, but I wonder if he's disenchanted and if he will ever admire me the way I do him. 

Well, we are going to work on a coaching thing for improving our lives, and we have to bring Jewel and Austin back in less than an hour.  Til tomorrow!

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