Sunday, January 17, 2016

Conscious Cleanse Day Seven, CHEATING, and Nein. NINE. And Horror at Horrocks!

Welllll...I cheated yesterday.  But, it was for a good reason!  First, though, in the interest of going in chronological order, I am going to paste the little bit I wrote on Day 7 while at work.  That's when I took that picture, too.  :)

HellOOOOOOOOOO!  Tom went to lunch, so you know what that means.  J  DUDE.  I feel AMAZING.  I have to admit, I was really dreading giving up caffeine.  I imagined that it would be horrible, because I have endured caffeine headaches in the past and they were awful.  However, I think all this water drinking is really helping, because I have NO withdrawals.  

In fact, I went to bed around 11 last night and woke up at 6 without even pressing snooze one time.  Usually, I press it at least twice and wish I could press it a dozen more times.  Today, though, I jumped out of bed and listened to the daily video and did the daily yoga.  I enjoyed it, it was nice.  

Yesterday and today, since I can no longer have the green tea, I’ve been drinking this Yogi Detox tea.  It’s good!  Also, the past three nights I’ve been sweating in the night.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m detoxing, getting over a cold, or if it’s hormonal.  I’m still doing some random spotting and I’m not 100% sure what that’s about.  I never am, actually – I just assumed it was ovulation, but it doesn’t happen every month, so I am really unsure.  

I feel clear headed, vibrant, positive, and energetic.  This is WONDERFUL!  Today, I give up gluten and soy.  I am a carb freak, so this may be difficult.  We do have tons of quinoa in the house, though, and I could always eat more salads.  I could even make sandwiches wrapped in lettuce rather than slices of bread!  I might try out some new clean eating recipes.  I do intend to eat much more consciously, even after the cleanse.  Why wouldn’t I?  I feel great!

Okay, then there was day ate.  EIGHT.  LOL, oh boy, I ATE.  I made reservations for the murder mystery dinner train last month for Joth and I, and there was no way I wasn't going to enjoy that to the fullest.  I had been reportedly getting a little cranky without the caffeine, and since I had already said that I was cheating that day, Joth practically force fed me a coffee.  I think if I hadn't accepted it, the next step would have involved restraints and an IV.  Hahaha.

I admit, I was a little irritable.  SENSITIVE.  I was sensitive.  I'm still spotting, but Joth pointed out that it probably is because I'm detoxing.  I bet he's right.  

So anyway, yesterday I didn't do yoga.  I didn't drink any water until dinner time.  I didn't make a smoothie.  I did go to Culvers with Joth and Tristan, I did eat ice cream, I did drink coffee, and later that evening I did drink a bottle of Cabernet, a long island, an amaretto sour, and rum and coke.  I wish I were joking.  How did I handle all of that???  It was probably the five course meal which soaked it all up.  I felt tipsy, but not nearly as wrecked as I should have been.  This morning I did have a headache, but I always do when I drink that much wine.  It's to be expected.

Normally, I have a very small appetite.  I don't know what got into me last night (other than mass quantities of alcohol), but I ate E V E R Y T H I N G.  It was good, too!  Chicken marsala with rice, a roll with butter, a chicken and dumpling soup, a salad, and a chocolate cake cream cheese type dessert.  

Joth and I got to get dressed up, and he looked GOOD.  I mean, he always looks good.  But he looked devilishly handsome all dressed up.  It was so great to see him happy like that.  I think he really liked the murder mystery, and I'm so glad.  There were actors and guests designated with roles to play, and you had to ask questions of all of the people who had roles (they were wearing badges) in order to try to solve the mystery.  All of the suspects had a binder with clues, and we were given fake money which we could bribe them with in order to get clues.  It was really fun!

After that, the cherry on top was the fetish event at the gay bar.  There were a bunch of people in a pretty small space, but it was pretty cool.  One guy was flogging people, a lady was spanking people, there was a safe sex station, a shibari (I think that's what it's called -- tying up with ropes) and some type of sensory thing, also there was a corner labeled "age play" but nothing was really going on over there except people sitting.  There were people walking around in just underwear with electrical tape over their nipples.  

I loved it!!!  Joth and I both took a turn at the spanking station, although I have to say he was able to endure quite a bit more than I could.  I liked it, though!  Never in a million years did I imagine that I'd be in the basement of some bar with my dress lifted up with some chick paddling me.  Hahaha, so awesome.

We got home and ended the perfect day with amazing sex, woke up this morning and we've been all cuddles and love.  This is really working!  We are really going to make it!  Thank goddess!!!!

Oh, this is getting long.  But I still have to talk about Horrocks.  So, I went to Horrocks for the first time ever today.  Alone.  I get overwhelmed when I do grocery shopping, so Joth usually does it for me.  But I figured that all I needed were a few cleanse-friendly items, so it would be okay.

Ha.  Hahaha.  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!  I walked in and was instantly met with sensory overload.  Aisles and aisles of wonderful things, all things that I wanted.  Suddenly the line between want and need begin to blur, and I got very confused.  Presented with all of these options, I had no system for decision making.  I just started randomly grabbing things.  I kept doing that until my cart was full.  No rhyme or reason.  Hence, I ended up with 8 flavors of kefir, 6 different types of tea, and about 14 containers of ingredients for trail mix -- goji berries, dried coconut, dried cherries, walnuts, pecans, raw almonds, dried apples, unsweetened dried bananas, dried pears, dates, figs, and dried dates.  

I also got kombucha, organic sugar free green goddess salad dressing, coconut milk, free range chicken broth, raw honey, apples, fresh green beans, coconut water without sugar, flax quinoa hot cereal, pure maple syrup, stevia, sweet potatoes, goddess only knows what else.  I think I'm set.

I will admit, I really really want that ice cream in the freezer left over from Culvers.  But I will resist!  I am sipping some detox tea now, and after the boys finish their nap in the bedroom, I am committed to doing yoga.  I still feel good, even considering yesterday, sorry not sorry it was amazing.  :)


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