Friday, November 1, 2013

L-O-V-E's just another word I never learned to pronounce...

Well, folks.  THAT had to be the shortest trip from idealization to disillusionment in my personal history.  It's sad, but no matter how promising the circumstances, it doesn't take much for me to lose interest.  And so here we are, less than a week after I started talking to this guy, and I'm over it.

Should I tell you why?  Tiny little things that don't seem to matter, but they do.  I called him yesterday at 9:00 on my lunch break as previously discussed.  I waited in my car like a schmuck for him to call back and he never did.  At about 1:30 I got a text from him saying he had fallen asleep and he was so disappointed he had missed my call.  One side of me was thinking, "Yeah, I BET...I've never heard THAT one before" but the other side of me gave him the benefit of the doubt, because it can certainly happen to anyone.  Okay, no big deal.

Today I went for my walk with my co-workers and finished around 9:30, at which time I called him.  I also texted him.  Conveniently at 10 something, after my lunch was OVER, I got a text saying it was really loud in the bar and he hadn't heard his phone ring.  Anyone who knows me can attest that I don't call people, and this is precisely the reason why.  When I try to, and you don't answer, I feel rejected.  I'm not going to put myself out there just to be denied.  Therefore, I wait for people to call ME, because then I don't have any reason to wonder if they really want to talk to me or not.  I replied, "That's cool."  He replied that he would be up later and I could call him when I got out.  Nope.  I told him if HE wanted to call ME after 2, go ahead.  I'm not calling you again -- that ship has sailed.

I know it sounds petty, but it is what it is.  I'm not setting myself up for disappointment.  I have learned that when a guy is really into you, he will find reasons to talk to you, not excuses not to.  Men go hard for things they really want.  Not only THAT, but...

I was kinda stalking his Facebook last night.  Okay, there was no "kinda" about it.  He had told me his name, I plugged it in, and there he was in all his (admittedly gorgeous) glory.  I mean, WOAH.  Amazing eyes.  Tattoos everywhere.  Great body.  I just stared for a minute...but then, after I had gathered my wits about me, noticed one important detail.

"In a relationship with (girl's name)"  Yeahhhhhhh THAT sounds familiar.

If he still plans on meeting tomorrow, I'll go.  Only because I made a commitment and I do feel like I should at least meet him in person and bring this up before I make my final decision.  Maybe we'll have amazing chemistry or everything will change upon meeting.  Or maybe not, who knows?  But he deserves a chance.  However, my hopes of finding romance this time around have pretty much vanished.  Oh well.

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