Thursday, February 27, 2014

Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball, where were you while we were getting high?

Yup.  I tried to do THAT one today...and it was a giant fail.  I felt pretty bad about myself until I googled it for the picture and realized it's a very difficult pose.  I did Day 3 of the 30 day challenge, which was posture.  I then picked a random YouTube vinyasa flow video and didn't realize it was advanced until I had (almost) finished it.  Still, I get props for trying!

I couldn't wait to blog about what just happened.  I don't know why.  I know it happened, and no one else will get it, no matter how hard I try to explain.  Even if you BELIEVE me, you just can't grasp the magnificence of what just happened.  Or maybe you can!  I don't know.  So, I got done doing yoga.  Per the second chapter in the book I am reading about Ayurveda, I need to start making a regular meditation practice.  I'm slowly working at easing myself into a routine.  (Part of that routine is going to bed by 10, so I'm keeping an eye on the clock)

Anyway, I decided to meditate for 20 minutes.  I picked a random chakra clearing 432 HZ meditation.  Now, this was not my first trip around the block.  Nor is this the first time I had this type of experience, except that. um. substances may have been involved during the other occasions.  So here I am, sober.  I'm staring at the swirly trippy psychedelic flame type graphic on the TV screen (I played the video on YouTube and it displayed on my TV screen).  

Anyway, I suddenly felt the need to close my eyes.  I wasn't tired, but they became very heavy.  I was trying to focus my thoughts and banish my silly childish fear of the dark, so I was repeating "I am" on the inhale and "love" on the exhale.  My fears began to dissipate and fade entirely.  A light feeling started to fill my body and expand throughout my aura.  Suddenly, in my mind's eye, it was totally bright.  How do I explain this?  Behind my eyelids, it looked like someone had turned on the brightest light ever.  I could see it, even though I knew all the lights in the apartment were off.  Yes, the TV was on, but this was a vivid WHITE light.  I'm certain it's  the same white light people speak of upon returning from a NDE.  I have seen it before, but, you know.  

This swelling, rising, euphoric rush of joy just...coursed through me.  I felt like I was a helium balloon, rising and rising and rising.  I felt so full of joy I could have popped.  There are just no words to describe it.  I felt a noticeable shift when my mind popped into that groove, and while it was a distinctly different state of consciousness, it was not unfamiliar to me.  I used to flip back and forth with ease as a child.  The feeling of transition and submersion in the white light brought back memories.  I have become convinced that either something is seriously mentally wrong with me, and has been since I was a child; or that all children possess an almost magical link to things we adults have long since forgotten and I have been blessed enough to rediscover this gift.  I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure.  Am I schizophrenic, or is this latent in everyone?  Is this a spiritual experience, or psychological illness?  Does it matter?

I don't really have anything else to talk about right now.  Good night!

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