Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Shit, I don't even know what to write about.  It's not that there's a ton going on, but there are a lot of little things that I could take up a lot of time talking about.  I don't really think many of them are of particular importance, though, so I'll touch on the main ones and work back from there.

1) Rings.  I was getting really stressed out because the tritium ring guy wasn't getting back to us about the rings.  Also we had a little bit of a rough patch, but we got through it amazingly well.  More on that on another bullet point.  As far as the rings go, though, I heard back about them today and got a price.  As soon as I get my tax refund, we're ordering them!  Yeahhhhhhh.

2) Machu Picchu.  Speaking of my tax refund, another thing we are using it for is the deposit on our honeymoon.  We found surprisingly affordable honeymoon packages to Machu Picchu!  I mean, seriously.  We can stay there for 7 days, hotel included, for less than we would have spent to go to the retreat in Sedona for 3 days -- NOT including lodging.  Fuck yeah.  It's going to be so AWESOME!!!!

3) Borderline.  After our last argument, Joth did some research.  He really impressed me by demonstrating his interest in learning, problem solving, understanding.  He looked up some things and we talked on the phone and he suggested that I may not be bipolar after all.  For a bipolar person, rapid cycling means a week or two.  I cycle even more quickly than that, and I am triggered.  It has been suggested to me before (not by a professional), so it didn't come as a shock.  I had wondered the same thing before.  

I loved how positive and optimistic he was about it, though.  He said that the good news is that we can work with it, with CBT and DBT.  And he isn't going to pressure me to go back on meds, because they don't work anyway, and now he finally understands that (thank goodness).  He sent me some YouTube videos and I was actually extremely shocked at how every single bullet point applied to me exactly.  I feel like we are in this together, as a team, and our "us-ness" comes before ego.  I really love him a lot.  I am so grateful for him, words could never express.

4) Relapse/Yoga.  So, the bad news is that I've run back into the loving arms of sugar, bread, and caffeine with reckless abandon.  We went to the panaderĂ­a the other day and I loaded up like 3 bags full of sweet bread to eat with coffee.  The good news, though, is that I have gotten up the last two mornings early to do yoga.  I'm doing another 30 day challenge.  Those seem to work well for me.  

5)  Lady stuff.  My period is way late or something, I'm totally off  track but I took a test and it was negative.  I feel like that cleanse knocked everything all out of balance.  I will probably get checked out when my insurance starts, and also I will get my teeth fixed.

Hmmm.  I felt more inspired before I started writing this, but while I was waiting for the virus scan to finish, I somehow lost my mojo.  I feel like I'm writing a status report or something.  I guess I should go, since there isn't really much else to talk about.  I'm going to schedule my annual visit with Sienna here pretty soon, her birthday is coming up.  Oh, it's in a week.  I guess I'll message her parents.  Adios!


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