Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I'm...too tired for this blog.

I don’t think coffee is going to be able to touch this, but I’m going to get some anyway.  This is so discouraging, considering how vibrant and alive I felt last week.  L  I didn’t even have the energy/motivation/desire to make a smoothie today, or yesterday.  I bet it would help, but the drive isn’t there.  I at least took a shower, but that was more because I wanted some alone time than anything else.  I find peace in the shower, where I don’t have to be anyone or answer to anyone or do anything or run every action through my mind before an approval committee in my head, run every sentence through a filter before it can be spoken.  All of that is exhausting and in the shower I’m free of all that.   

I fell asleep last night around 8:30 and I’m still exhausted.  It’s an unquenchable thirst, a fatigue that no amount of sleep can rectify and no amount of coffee can transcend.  Let me reiterate though, I am not sad.  I am not anything.  I’m too tired to be. 

I ordered my wedding dress and I want to talk about that, but I can’t right now.  I’m too tired to write this.  I’ll put a picture though.  More later, maybe.

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