Friday, September 26, 2014

Tick tick tick tick....

BOOM!  That's what I feel like today.  I don't know what happened...I'm manic again, but it's a little bit more edgy.  Also it's one of those "whatever drops into my mind flies directly out of my mouth without passing through a filter" days, which made my job extraordinarily difficult.  These conversations were like walks through minefields.  Also, I'm not that gregarious, sweet, oozing bubbly love and honey manic.  I'm that ticking time bomb, say the wrong thing and I'll tell you where to go manic.  

Sometimes, I can artificially induce mania with stimulants.  These days, that's pretty much limited to caffeine.  So yesterday, I took two of these rapid energy something-or-other pills.  I used to take them a couple years ago, and just one would have my whole body tingling and my hair standing on end.  For some reason, though, one doesn't seem to do anything to me right now.  So, I took two and I just felt slightly more perky than normal.  I  think today, though, was the aftermath of that.  Arrrrrrgh.

It wasn't ALL bad, though.  I enjoyed my daydreaming quite immensely.  I feel uncomfortably sexual and I don't trust my inhibitions.  As a result, I feel like I'm coming across as colder than usually because I'm "overcorrecting".  You know what, I was so excited to blog.  I had SOOOOOOO much to say.  I think it was about synchronicity, and mental passion, Art Prize, I don't know what else.  But suddenly I'm just not feeling it.  It must be because the sun went down.  I'll try again tomorrow.  :)

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