Thursday, September 25, 2014

Oil pulling

So, I'm doing this oil pulling thing.  Today is day 5 of the 30 day challenge.  It's really weird -- you put 1 or 2 teaspoons of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it for 20 minutes.  I tried watching a dharma talk while I did it the first day, but  the sound of the swishing was too loud inside my ears.  It's also hard to concentrate on reading while I'm doing it.  We'll see how I do trying to blog.  :)

Tristan is sick today and Blair and Rachel are in Detroit, so I stayed home with him.  He had a fever of 102.9 yesterday at his after school daycare so I had to leave early from work to pick him up.  I don't mind, I got lots of snuggles.  :)  He's watching Stuart Little right now.  After I'm done with the oil pulling, I'm going to clean this apartment.

Ohhhhh so I CRASHED.  I mean, I'm not depressed or low or anything right now.  But I came down off my manic high.  It was a GOOD one, too!  I was sparkly, exuberant, full of life and excitement.  I had the right thing to say at exactly the right time to my customers.  I was articulate, confident, unstoppable!  It was all positive.  No agitation, rage, anxiety, or restlessness.  Then, one day (yesterday) I got to work and it was just...gone.  I found myself fumbling for words, stuttering, ummmmm, ahhhhhh, trying to force the cheer which had come so naturally just the day before.  How do I STAY.  Just like THAT.  I wish I could know.

Like I said, though -- it's not like it's bad right now.  I just feel so dreadfully normal.  You would think I was a water sign.  I'm like the ocean, the tide...rushing, rushing, rushing anxiously to meet the shore...then running, running, retreating back into my depths.

And then there's this whole dating thing.  Ahhhhh I'm so confused!  Dating is HARD, even when the person is AMAZING.  I'm trying not to rush things, but I can't gauge the appropriate pace.  It's hard because I'm so excited.  But I don't want to mess anything up.  I have no sense for how I'm supposed to behave right now!  

Five more minutes.  My jaw hurts.  The last five minutes is the hardest, it's so hard not to swallow it!  Hahaha, that sounds dirty...;)

Okay, well that's done.  Time to clean!

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