Monday, May 5, 2014


This is Wohpe, another goddess which came to me much like Cerridwen did.  I was first searching for a goddess of dreams, then decided to search for bisexual goddesses, which led me to an Inuit goddess, which lead me to Wohpe.  I knew as soon as I read her description that I was meant to find her today.  

She is also known as White Buffalo Calf Woman.  The reason this is so significant to me is because I have had Kellee Maize on replay in my car for the past week, and part of the lyrics to one of her songs goes, "I've been gathering the girls and the owls, we run deep/White Buffalo Calf Woman leading love armies/Red Road below feet/We are the rainbow warriors replacing the worries".  I should also mention that the name of the sister circle is Red Road Sister Circle.

Anyway, Wohpe is a Lacota goddess.  (PS, Peace Fest is held in Lacota, MI)  She generates harmony and unity.  She is a goddess of peace and meditation.  I feel myself very called to the theme of meditation lately, and I feel like it's time that I really take heed.  First, I thought that since April was for Ashtanga, that May could be for Meditation.  I discarded the idea.  Then, the dharma talk that I chose on YouTube yesterday (for no other reason than it was first in a series) was all about the importance of meditation.  I chose Chang O yesterday, of introspection -- which is a big part of meditation.  

Okay, Universe -- I hear you!  I see these signs and also gentle nudges to give up sugar.  I'm just not sure yet whether I'm ready to do it -- I love sugar and I know I'm addicted to it.  What other addictions do I have left?  If I give up sugar, all that remains is caffeine.  I haven't had any nicotine in a week.  I just can't imagine my life without sugar right now!

So last night, I did a reiki self healing.  It wasn't even 8pm yet, but when my hands were on my sacral chakra, I felt immobilized and sedated.  I remained there for a long time and eventually fell asleep -- it was a drugged type of feeling, not an organic falling asleep naturally type feeling.  I woke up two hours later, sweating, and fell back asleep.  I had the most intense, bizarre, vivid dreams.  They were lucid, though -- I knew I was dreaming, and I was searching for answers.  

I used to have recurring dreams of scary basements, and I believe I mentioned the first dream I had not too long ago where I went into a basement, prepared to face whatever may be lying in wait for me, and found nothing.  Last night I walked into the dark basement -- once again, knowing that I was dreaming -- and said, "Okay, shadow.  I'm ready to confront you."  I waited for something scary to happen, or for a monster to appear which I had to do battle with.  The basement remained peaceful.  Nothing bad happened.  I went on the explore the rest of the house and found nothing threatening anywhere.

Then, I found myself having a conversation with an ex.  It was really strange.  I said to him, "Do you know we're dreaming right now?  This isn't real.  Are you dreaming too?  Do you remember your dreams?"  I am still unsure whether we were both dreaming, and just had this conversation on the astral plane, or if his likeness had been placed as a figment of my imagination.  He told me something which put my soul at ease and gave me peace, but wouldn't you know that I can't remember it at all for the life of me.  I hate when that happens!

Also, today, more amazingness manifested in my life.  I feel truly in awe -- it seems like whenever I put it out there that I want something in my life, it shows up!  Not two weeks after I decided I wanted a reiki attunement, Karen posted that she would be doing them.  Over the past two weeks I have decided seriously that I wanted to do a live yoga class once a week, and today the James Russell House posted that a girl from the sister circle will be teaching yoga there Thursday nights after I get out of work.  I don't have the kids Thursday nights, it's perfect!!!!!

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