Tuesday, December 17, 2013

You say that money, isn't everything; well I'd like to see you live without it. You think you can keep on going, living like a king; ooh, babe, well I strongly doubt it...

Today's topic is...money.  And so, accordingly, I have chosen malachite as the stone in all its swirly green lovely goodness.  Ooooohhhhh...ahhhhhhh....so anyway.

Well, it's a full moon in Gemini, and the sun is in Sagittarius.  I find this particularly interesting because my sun is in Gemini and my moon is in Sagittarius.  This should be interesting.  I was reading that this full moon is about transformation, so I find it rather fitting that today was the day I got my front tooth fixed and my contacts came in as well.  I am transforming, inside and out.  

Also, the CPS worker for the guardianship called me yesterday.  She contacted the Allegan county probate court for me and  told me that I have to go file a petition to terminate the guardianship and there is a $20 filing fee.  (Money)  I'm going to go do that on Friday.  I emailed the Barry county FOC and advised them of what I was doing, and that I believe it is in Tristan's best interests to be with me.  I gave them a little synopsis of what I have done to make myself the best parent I can be and why I am able to provide for him at this time.  

I went to court yesterday for  that driving on a suspended, but to my delight, I got the coolest judge EVER.  He believes that driver responsibility fees are unconstitutional, and he entered a not guilty plea for me and told me to take care of the ticket in Grand Rapids.  I'm also doing THAT on Friday.  (Money)

At the dentist office today, they informed me that I have something like a $430 balance, so I told them I want to get that caught up before they do any more work and add to it.  I'm going to TRY to make a payment on Friday.  (Money)

I'm not so stressed about the money.  I know everything will be okay, and everything is working out for my highest good.  I'm just a little nervous because I want to be saving money right now for Tristan, for clothes and things like that so no one can say I'm not prepared to take him NOW, if need be.  I trust the process, though.

I was doing laundry at Jason's yesterday and he told me about this other dating site.  (I know, I know!)  I was bored so I got on there.  I started talking to this guy and at first he seemed really sweet, but he's just creepy!  We had only been chatting less than an hour and he gave me a nickname, he started calling me Florecita.  Then he was all like, MY Florecita.  Amor.  Baby.  Can I call you amor?  Do you want to be my princess, or my queen?  I told him to chill out, he still won't send me a picture!  How are you going to call me baby when I don't even know what you look like?  Looks aren't everything, but attraction is necessary before anything else can develop.  Besides, I need to be able to imagine who I am talking to.  He seems a little crazy.

Well, it's noon.  I'm going to take a nap before I go pick up my contacts and head to work.  Happy Tuesday!

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