Saturday, October 24, 2015


I probably could have used a better picture than a screen shot from my phone, but you get the message.  I finished hypno class!  Sooooo, I am officially a certified hypnotherapist.  They have more classes, but from here, Joth can teach me the other things I want to know.  I'm particularly interested in past life regression.  Wouldn't that be a COOL job?  I mean, seriously???!  I might also learn hypnobirthing.  I know a lot of doulas and midwives.  There is also a midwife in the same building as the health food store, so you know their clients are down for some hypnobirthing.  

Let's see, what has happened in the last few days?  I know that my last entry was about my migraine and that horrible day.  Things have actually been pretty amazing since then, with the exception of last night.  I can't even talk about last night, and I won't.  

I got my drug test done, my new social security card application dropped off, and I also had to call the IRS and request w2's for two jobs that they couldn't verify employment for me at.  It's been kind of a pain, but it will be worth it.  Having a job, I think, is going to help a lot.  Not just financially, but it will be nice to have a change of scenery.  Some time for Joth and I to be apart from each other, to have a chance to miss and appreciate each other.  I love him a lot and things are better with him than they ever have been with anyone before, but we have some difficulties communicating with each other.  He's not as perfect, and I'm not as crazy, as he'd like to believe.  

But anyway.  I got my last commission check, and it was a decent amount.  I made sure to pay my phone bill and to give my sister money for car insurance.  I have saved $150 for the three of us to go on Tristan's field trip to Mackinac in May, since a $50 deposit for each attendee is due by November 6.  Aside from that, I bought Tristan socks and long sleeved shirts, a present for Chase's birthday party today, mattress encasements for our bed and Austin's bed, organic dried elderberries, chia seeds, natural toothpaste, and organic tampons from the health food store, a bunch of supplements (Omega3, PQQ energy, GABA, D3, and B Complex), shampoo and conditioner, razors, kitty litter, a giant bag of cat food, and some other random miscellaneous things that I can't think of right now.  

Tomorrow is "Christmas" at my Uncle Doug's house.  It's early because Grandma and Grandpa leave for Florida soon, like they do every year.  Last year, I remember that I was texting Joth in the kitchen and awkwardly not fitting in.  I should be used to that by now, but it's always so uncomfortable.  At least this year I'll have Joth with me.   Today we went to Chase's third birthday party at my sister's house and had some cake and ice cream.  We got him a play dough set, because that's what aunties are for :)  Joth seemed to get along pretty well with my family, and I did the usual thing with Blair and Rachel where we just pretend the other is invisible and doesn't exist at all.  Living well is the best revenge.  :)  

Yesterday, I made elderberry syrup!  I am so excited!  It filled two small amber bottles with some left over, which I poured into the empty glass jar that the raw honey had been in.  It's super easy!  You just simmer the elderberries in some water with cinnamon, cloves, and ginger.  Then you mash and strain out the elderberries, let the liquid cool, and add the raw honey.  Voila.  Nature's flu shot :)

I finished the dishes and the laundry for today, so now I'm just listening to Lindsey Stirling and blogging.  We are supposed to bring a dessert to Uncle Doug's tomorrow, and we had talked about making tiramisu, but I don't know if we'll end up doing that.  I found a rather easy looking recipe that I might attempt, but it wouldn't be authentic or traditional.  I don't think anyone's going to care.

I am halfway through the first quarter of my ayurveda course.  It is going to feel SO GOOD when I'm done.  Joth is finishing up his NLP course, and he's making a massage sign up sheet for his mom to put in her office.  Apparently, there are a lot of people waiting for massages so he's going to start doing those here.  

Dude.  I can't even  TELL you how much of a difference these supplements make.  It is gloomy today, the type of day that would have me in a state of inertia.  It is the exact type of day which is conducive to depression and laziness.  Yet I feel GOOD.  I feel impervious to the negativity of anyone.  I am a self-contained happiness bubble.  Maybe this was all I needed all along.  When I got my reiki attunement, Karen told me that I have a "porous aura".  It makes sense for an empath, or maybe it's just dangerous to have in combination of BEING empathic.  It means that the emotions and energies of others can leak in to my aura.  I literally can not be around negativity without being contaminated by it.  I didn't have enough of a shield.  

I don't have insurance yet, but it looks like while I'm waiting, these supplements will help me stay positive.  I'm not going to say much about last night.  As we know, though, anytime something bad happens, I analyze it for the lesson.  What was I to learn from this?  What can this teach me about myself?  What was I meant to see here?  

All I can say is that I've decided not to give my power away.  Without assigning blame to either party, I'll just say that things got out of control fast.  The best thing that I can do is figure out how, why, and when they got off track.  In recognizing that, I can modify my future approach.  What I've decided is that as soon as someone 1) gets triggered 2) changes the subject or 3) brings up the past, the conversation is over.  I will not continue to engage in discussions which damage either of us.  Most importantly, I will remember as much as I can until it becomes second nature to evaluate everything I am considering saying to see if it passes through the three gates:

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