Sunday, October 11, 2015

Mulching the Garden

The title today is going with the theme of planting new seeds, but coincidentally, Joth and I actually were helping his mom spread mulch over her garden today.  I think that's serendipitous.  Tomorrow is the new moon, new seed planting day.  We've talked about planting the seed and not watering the weeds, but the soil in which the seed has been planted needs to be fertile for your intention to grow.  It needs to be nourished, which is where the idea of mulching comes in.  

It isn't enough to make the intention and disregard negative thoughts.  We need to support and feed our intention with positive thoughts as well.  Also, we need to take the necessary action steps to see our dream through to reality.  What are my dreams?  How can I nurture them?  What will it take for me to help them grow?

Tomorrow, I'm going to sign up on Thumbtack to offer reiki sessions.  We can set up the library with the massage table, make some business cards, and design a website.  It's good to become clearheaded and get back into some healthier habits myself to closer align with that which I wish to create in my life.  I would like to clear the path connecting me with the divine of any distracting debris and clutter.  I have resumed drinking the green smoothies and my studies.  Yoga and meditation are next.  The possibilities are endless!  We can even offer herbal salves.  When I've completed my ayurveda course, I could even make dosha-balancing salves.  Reiki-blessed dosha-balancing salves.  Candles.   Herbal tea.  Yeahhhhhhhh.

Last night, we had a few people over for a taco night.  We had some adult beverages and sang some karaoke as well while the kids watched movies on the projector and played video games.  It was a pretty fun night, but Joth and I got into a stupid fight when we went to bed.  It was just a minor disagreement but it escalated quickly because alcohol was involved.  We cooled down, though, and talked things over and things seem to be better now.  In fact, it had felt like some tension had been building between us and last night it just reached a breaking point.  It felt good afterwards to have released our issues and I felt closer to him after we reconciled.  

Today has been pretty great, but uneventful.  We slept late, helped with the mulching, and now we're just hanging out.  I downloaded some ayurveda apps and Joth is taking a dosha quiz right now.  We were going to watch a documentary but then Scott came over so I'm not sure if that's going to happen tonight, but that's okay if it doesn't because I need to go to bed fairly early anyway.  Tomorrow is Monday, Tristan has school, then after school he has counseling, then after that we have family pictures.  Whew!

I don't think I have anything else to talk about right now, sooooooooo....later, gator!

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