Tuesday, July 8, 2014


So, it's been a while, eh?  I'm not sure if I should start from where I am and work backwards, or start where I left off and work forwards.  

Friday was the 4th of July, and I had the day off from work.  Thursday night, Ramiro asked spur of the moment at about 7pm if he could come over, I said yes.  He spent the night and I had a lot of conflicting emotions about him.  I did a tarot reading for him and the 2 of Cups came up as the foundation of the situation and in the environment position was The Lovers.  Doing a reading for a potential love interest can be difficult, especially when those cards show up.  Was he asking about me?  Dare I assume it?  How do I remain objective?

In the morning, Rachel dropped off Tristan and Ramiro left shortly after that.  I took Tristan to the parade and my mom watched him while my dad and I did the beer tour.  I don't know WHAT I was thinking, thinking I was going to be able to drive after 12 samples of beer!  I imagined that those samples would be about the size of a shot.  Ohhhh no.  Thank goodness my mom dropped my dad and I off and picked us up, because I was pretty wrecked.  I hadn't had a sip of alcohol since my mom's birthday party, which was over 2 months prior.

The beer was great, though, and it was really nice hanging out with my dad.  I have to say it was a great idea.  We really needed some bonding time.  It went really well!  I had promised Tristan that I would  take him to see fireworks, though, and I was sadly unable to drive after all the beer.  So we stayed home.  Mommy fail.  :(

I hadn't done yoga in 5 days until today, but in my defense, I have been sick.  Yesterday was awful, I had mandatory overtime until 7pm and of course that would be the day that I couldn't breathe through my nose at all.  My customers could barely understand me, and my ears were blocked from all the congestion so I could barely hear them.  I should have remembered, though.  When you are sick, it isn't the time to skip yoga!  Yoga is medicine.  I felt so much better after I got on my mat today.

Hey,  guess what?  I'm not going to Peace Fest!  Can you believe it?  It just didn't feel right.  I can't say what made me change my mind, it just felt...off track.  Some decisions in life feel like they don't jive with my current flow.  I can't figure out why, since Peace Fest is always such a spiritually enriching time for me.  I'm baffled as to why my higher self isn't leading me in that direction.  I've stopped trying to analyze or argue with my intuition, though.  I just honor it.  So, I gave the tickets away and I feel really happy about it.  

I still have 6 days straight off from work, so I'm going to devote them to myself and my spirituality.  I have a big push right now to follow my passion and live in line with my purpose, so I'm going to get really serious about the reiki and tarot.  I ordered a new deck (White Light Tarot -- it's a reiki tarot deck!  How perfect!) and I'm going to take an online course.  I've been reading for 13 years but I want to get really, really good.  And I want to build confidence.  I also want to buckle down on studying and practicing reiki.  I'm going to make a website and DO this.  Where the path will lead from there, I don't know -- but I feel like I'm heading in the right direction.  I am a healer.  Hence, the goddess I chose today -- Ixchel, Medicine Woman.  

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