Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Empress

Oh my gosh, I hope I don't go into labor at the library.  Yeah, right.  I'm sure it's just wishful thinking...she's got 11 days left, and I'm betting she'll use every one of them and THEN some.  All the better to torture me with!  Truly, though, I AM having contractions -- I have learned by now, though, that it doesn't mean anything.  It's just Mother Nature's idea of a joke...maybe you're in labor...haha, just kidding!

I was thinking today about this weird craving I have.  I mean, food cravings are normal, and I've had those.  This pregnancy it has been pancakes, avocados, and Twizzlers.  I also have a very strange craving to smell hand sanitizer.

No, I'm not kidding.  Weird, huh???  I had a friend who said that when she was pregnant, she couldn't stop herself from smelling her husband's beer.  She didn't want  to drink it (nor do I want to drink hand sanitizer!) but she loved smelling it.  I didn't believe her, but now I do!  When I was doing my glucose test and the nurse went to draw blood, she wiped my arm first with the rubbing alcohol and that was my first indication of this.  I don't think it's harmful to smell hand sanitizer...is it?  I have heard of pregnant women developing a condition called pica, where they eat dirt and soap and other non-edible items.  I don't really know as much about smell cravings, though.  Odd.

Oh, man.  I'm in pain.  This baby is kicking my ass.  I can just see it, I'll have to drive myself to the hospital and rush to get admitted and they'll ask, "Why did you wait so long?" and I'll say, "I was blogging!"  Hahaha.

I have to admit that I have kind of lost my train of thought, though.  I can't really concentrate on blogging.  I guess I will check out my book and try again tomorrow.  Currently, I'm reading The End of Men and the Rise of Women.  I love it.  :)  It's all about how women have been gaining power over the past few years and men have been struggling to keep up.  There is a power shift going on and we definitely hold the advantage.  It's not just an opinion piece, either -- it's loaded with facts, research, and results of studies which confirm this assertion.  Ah, well, I always knew...but it sure is nice to see it in print.  Now I am going to check out Lovefraud -- How Marriage to a Sociopath Fulfilled My Spiritual Plan.  I'm not really obsessing, just trying to find tools to help me understand and recover.  Okay, well, I should probably get home.  Just in case.

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