Monday, January 27, 2014

And if you're going, to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...

Yoga went great today!  So, yeah, I'm "sick" again.  I SWEAR I'm not abusing my sick time -- today was so bad in Allegan county that they are ticketing people who are out there driving.  I couldn't have gotten out of the parking lot if I tried, anyway.  The countdown to Memorial Day has officially begun!

Yesterday I worked.  I'm getting conflicting information about what they want from me, which is making it harder for me to do my job efficiently.  First, I had a coaching session with my supervisor who told me I talk too fast, I need to slow down, I need to ask more questions, I need to spend more time developing a relationship with the customer.  Okay.  Two days later (yesterday), I'm doing exactly that and I get an email from another supervisor with the subject "long call" because I had been on it for 13.5 minutes.  Then later, we all get an email from my supervisor asking us to keep our calls under ten minutes.  So what do you want???  Slow down, or speed up???  Sheesh.

I got home from work last night and couldn't even do yoga.  I felt very flat and low energy.  I definitely can't say it was lack of nutrition, though -- when I got home, within 20 minutes I had eaten a quesadilla, a baked potato, a hard boiled egg, and a string cheese.  Oh yeah, then I had a vanilla pudding.  I know, right???  But, in my defense, I hadn't eaten all day.  Also, the new moon is in 3 days so I'm expecting my monthly visitor.  Maybe that's why yoga was such an epic fail -- my body was already working so hard digesting all that food!  The day before was much the same.  I had been eating all day and endeavored to make it through an hour of yoga but had to tap out in the second half hour.  I just decided to honor my body.

Today, though -- TODAY!!  Today was phenomenal.  I felt amazing, and I nailed all the poses like a pro.  My balance was on, my endurance was running strong, and my flexibility has markedly improved.  I felt like a yoga superstar!  There was even one point, I kid you not, that I was in some pose balanced on my left hand and foot, looking up at my right hand with my right leg up, and I honestly saw my aura.  I know if you're a skeptic you think I'm totally bullshitting right now, or that I need some medication.  I will honestly say that this is the first time in my life it has happened (sober) and it was unmistakable.  It was awe-inspiring.  I saw a bright green light, surrounding the perimeter of my body.  Fucking fantastic.  :)

After yoga, I laid in savasana for a really long time.  It felt so good, and I almost felt paralyzed.  Not a panic-inducing paralyzed, just comfortably glued to the ground.  No place to be.  No rush to do anything.  Just soaking up the goodness.

And, just in case you were wondering about whether I've lost interest in Ayurveda or not, the answer is a resounding NO!  I have about 25 pages by this point of handwritten notes.  I've watched two lectures and two documentaries.  I have truly found my passion.  I am in love with life!!!!

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