Monday, January 6, 2014

She only drinks coffee at midnight, when the moment is not right; her timing is quite -- unusual; you see her confidence is tragic, and her intuition magic; the shape of her body -- unusual...

No, I have not been depressed.  I have been at peace and well with the coming of the new year and new moon.  I had the kids extra time during their winter break and didn't want to sacrifice any of the time I could spend with them on blogging, which I knew could wait.

I'm very excited about this new year, it began with a spectacular new moon.  I noticed with curiosity that my period was very, very late -- almost two weeks.  I wasn't really worried, though, since I haven't had sex.  Can you believe that?  I always thought I couldn't live without sex.  But that's just one of many vices I was using to try to appease the "hungry ghost".  Now that I have found peace within myself, I don't find myself craving external comforts as much.  (As MUCH.  I AM still human...)

Anyway, so here comes the new moon, it's New Year's Eve and I'm at work.  I notice a lot of synchronicities happening that night at work, which always gives me a little thrill of delight.  I wanted to tell the universe, "YES, I hear you!"  It was amazing.  I wish I had written everything down, but it was just little things -- like I would start wondering about some random topic, and the girl next to me would start talking about it out of nowhere.  It made me feel like I was on the right track.  I got home from work, and -- BAM.  There's my period, first day of the new moon.  I thought that was pretty awesome.  I read somewhere that originally in ancient times, EVERY woman's period was synchronized with the new moon so that we would be fertile on the full.  I haven't bled on a new moon in a very long time, so I wonder if this means I'm getting back to my natural state.  Or something.  Who knows.

I didn't really make a new year's resolution, but I had some ideas fermenting in my mind about things I wanted to focus on in 2014.  I decided to choose one area of focus (aside from what I am already doing, which is being an awesome mom).  This year is the year of yoga -- not just regular, committed practice, but study of the sutras.  Applying yogic principles in my every day life.  Living a life inspired by all the branches of yoga -- being ABOUT it.  When the time was right, which happened to be yesterday, I made my vision board and set it as my desktop.  Idea!  Instead of a gemstone, I'll share that as my picture today.  I did it virtually because I didn't want to buy a bunch of magazines just to cut up.  

Also, another area of focus is food.   (So let's say my MAJOR this year is yoga, then my MINOR is healthy eating).  I want to buy more organic food, learn more vegan recipes, eat more superfoods.  I want to learn more about food as medicine and nutrients which will contribute to my optimum spiritual, psychological, mental, and physical health.  I am quietly devoted to a vegetarian diet; I don't want to talk about it or mention it to people because I find that a lot of meat eaters feel the need to justify their OWN choices just because mine are different.  I'm not judging or condemning anyone for eating meat, I just personally choose not to.  I'm just tired of the people who feel the need to inform me how unhealthy a vegetarian diet is (because I suppose a steady diet of deep fried foods and double cheeseburgers from McDonald's IS healthy...), or ask me where I get my protein, or make stupid jokes about plants having feelings.

Yesterday was my first day on the early shift.  It wasn't so bad, I had gone to sleep at 9:30 the previous night and woke up SUPER early because of the weather.  We are having a "snowpocalypse" right now -- seriously, half the state is shut down and I don't think I could get anywhere today if I tried.  I'm kind of bummed because today is Jewel's birthday and there's no way I can make it down Blair and Rachel's road to get Tristan, or to Jewel's house.  I took it in stride, though, and decided to make the most of the day.  I did some yoga, am drinking some coffee, and as soon as I get done blogging I'm going to read this Wayne Dyer book, "Excuses Begone!"  Luckily, I had taken today off as a floating holiday for court regarding that suspended license thing, but then I had to call and let them know I couldn't make it.  They said it was okay but I do have to be there February 13.  And I have the next two days off because it's my "weekend".

I am listening to some Tibetan singing bowls in the background while I type this.  It's nice and relaxing.  My apartment is clean and filled with a wonderful energy -- I got a couple more small pictures from Goodwill and hung them up.  One is in the kitchen and says, "Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness" and the other is above my closet and has a bunch of peace signs with the words, "Peace, Love, and Harmony" below it.  The place looks nice.  My neighbor also had noticed that I didn't have a TV stand and kindly gave me one on Saturday night.  Things are really coming along.  I am so blessed :)  

Well, I should go.  I still have this book to read and more yoga to do.  Namaste!

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