Friday, April 8, 2016

Level UP!

Happy day after the new moon!  I really wanted to post yesterday, but my lady time came right on the new moon (awesome, right??!) and it hit me like a sledgehammer.  I feel much better today, though!  It’s nice to be back in sync and regular.  I think it’s a testament to the overall positivity flowing through my life right now.  
I’ve been continuing with yoga, but I’m not up to six days a week yet.  I am still making healthy nutritional choices, and eating less.  I read something saying that if you eat some healthy fat and protein in the morning, you won’t get that killer 3pm slump.  I tried eating a banana with almond butter for two mornings, and it really worked!  In fact, I didn’t have any coffee on either of those days.  I’ve been sleeping well…okay, I’ve woken up at 3 am for probably the past week.  But I’m not tired, so that doesn’t matter.  I was also having night sweats, and I thought it was hormones, but I remembered that I had those after my reiki master attunement.  I just had the reiki master teacher attunement, and I forgot about it.  I guess I thought that because it was a distance attunement that it wouldn’t really work.  I was wrong!

Even when I’m happy, my mood can be very volatile – especially before my period.  I am very easily triggered.  Was.  I was very easily triggered.  I had a lot of insecurity, leading to jealousy and paranoia.  I know many of my past partners probably think I was the opposite – not jealous at all.  The fact is, I was so afraid of being abandoned, so paranoid about being rejected, that I was uber jealous.  Because any threat to my relationship was terrifying.  I was able to overcome that in the only way I knew how, and that was by not caring.  When I was with Dwight, I demanded an open relationship because that way I could keep enough comfortable distance to keep from caring too much.  I never let myself get too close, and in that way, I was able to have zero jealousy.  But I didn’t trust him.  I never trusted any man after Jay, until now.

I realize with amazement that two things are happening concurrently that I never thought would:  I trust a man, totally and completely.  And I am not jealous.  This is a huge step for me, and I feel like more weights have been lifted off from me.  I am shining more as my true self, less dimmed by obstructive programming and distortions of my mind.  In short, I am healing.

Speaking of healing, WE GOT THE HEALING CENTER!!!!!!!!!  We sign the lease today.  I am dizzy with excitement!  It’s so perfect, and it happened at just the right time!  I’m taking my yoga teacher training in August and I got the RMT attunement so I can already teach reiki.  I did, however, reach out to Karen also about doing RMT with her in person.  (Reiki Master Teacher).  We have so much to do, but I’m delighted by it all!  We already have people contacting us who want to be involved.  Another yoga teacher, a medium, someone who teaches infant massage…and I’m going to contact the local bellydance teacher to see if she would like to hold her classes there instead of at the church.  Wahoo!

There are intimidating details I am trying not to get bogged down by.  I got the EIN, but I don’t know what to do to take over the dba, how to register us as a partnership, etc.  And we have to set up a bank account, get a liability policy, get an accountant, get a website, get a phone number, update all the signs….one step at a time, though.  Focus on the positive!  We manifested this in exactly 8 months, which was our intention from the beginning.

Our rings have been shipped, and we’re going to propose to each other and make the announcement when we get them.  Tristan starts soccer on the 18th, or the 16th…whichever is a Saturday.  He meets with a therapist tonight, and yesterday his psychiatrist doubled his doses of both meds.  He is to take a half a clonidine in the morning, and 1.5 at night.  I hope this all helps!  Also, Austin and Tristan are going to come do yoga when Joth is teaching.  There is so much to say, and my mind is all over the place, and I’m sure I left out some important stuff but this is exciting!  We have leveled up!!!!

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