Friday, April 15, 2016

A Dream Come True!!!

Okay, Tom is gone and I’m here for another hour.  I’m going to post a quick update, because so much has happened!  It’s only been a week since we signed the lease, but we’ve accomplished a lot.  When I say “we”, I really have to give most of the credit to Joth.  I’ve been working the behind-the-scenes stuff – email communication with the yoga teacher, and facebook communication with the belly dance teacher.  Joth has met with them both in person though and handled the face to face stuff.  He’s been a total rock star!  He got the form filled out for the DBA, I got us an EIN.  We meet with Andy I think this weekend to talk about setting up a business bank account.  Joth went on Fiverr and had a logo created and requested a business card.  We didn’t care much for it, so he ended up designing one himself – which is super bad ass.  We also requested a website to be made and bought the domain name we will be using, so it’s ready to go. 

So, starting in May, we will have Monday night yoga classes that Joth is leading, followed by belly dance classes.  Tuesdays and Thursdays the other yoga teacher (Amanda) is holding classes, and Fridays there is a gentle yoga for some older ladies that Joth led today.  I am going to put together some materials for reiki classes, start offering sessions, and put together a Conscious Parenting book club in the near future.  We also want to organize an open house for sometime around June, and a Holistic Health Fair a little further down the road.  So many exciting things are happening!  This is so great!

Soccer starts tomorrow and Tristan is very excited.  He has been doing better with the higher dose, but still a little defiant.  I am hoping therapy will help with that, but it does take him a while to open up and he refused to talk to the counselor at the last meeting.  We met with his teachers again last night and filled out a ton of paperwork for his behavior plan.  We can’t afford for both of us to go to Mackinac, so I offered for Joth to go without me but he’d prefer to be the one to stay home so I’ll be chaperoning Tristan.  I think he’ll have fun, I’m a little nervous about his behavior but I am being optimistic.  It’s hard to misbehave when you’re having that much fun!  However, the bus ride IS long. 

Our rings are here!  They are waiting at the post office, I am so excited!!!  This is going to be so wonderful.  I can’t wait to do our mutual proposal, I have been thinking about the things I want to say and it just feels like such a perfect thing to do.  I love him so much!  <3 

Ummmm, let’s see, what else…I’ve been pretty consistent with yoga, I guess, but not as frequent as I want to be.  I’m at like 2-3 times a week, I want to be at 5-6.  I downloaded a nutrition app too, and HOLY MOLY it’s no wonder I can’t lose weight!  You would be shocked to know how many calories are in that sugar I put in my coffee every day!  I have since switched to Splenda, and will bring my stevia from home.  I have been keeping the home brewed chai stocked and drink a cup every night with some ghee and almond milk.  I feel like it’s improving my yoga practice and my mental clarity, so that’s all wonderful.  I’m starting a blog for the website, it’s going to be more an informational/wellness resource blog though.  This one is basically like my diary, which really isn’t of value to anyone but myself.  Okay well I just got an email from the massage therapist, so I’m going to tackle that and I’ll update soon!!

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