Friday, April 29, 2016

A Little Unsteady...

Ahhhhhhhhh I can not wait so long to update!!!  SO MUCH has happened.  So much.  I’ll break it into sections like I usually do, because Tom just ran down to get something from his car so I don’t know how long I have.

Relationship:  WE GOT ENGAGED!  Like, officially.  We chose a mutual proposal to align with our egalitarian relationship, and to honor the other by asking for the privilege of being each other’s life partner.  I think we both deserved to feel special, and to be asked, and to be proposed to.  Also, we included the kids!  They were a little less excited than we were, but I guess to them it wasn’t really a big deal.  Duh, Joth and Christine are getting married…we already KNEW that.  What’s the big deal???  It was beautiful.  We stopped at Choices, a metaphysical/crystal shop, and picked out a crystal for each of the kids.  Then, we drove to Hastings and we all walked past the coffee shop that Joth and I first met in person at.  He and I stopped for a little kiss.  The kids were impatient.  We kept walking – it was a beautiful day, by the way – 80 degree temps (and to think today is 50 and rainy…ugh) sunny and nice.  We walked to the bench that we sat on and proposed to each other with our BAD ASS GLOWING RINGS.  They are polished silver with tritium vials.  Mine is a lotus, and Joth’s is like a circle with triangle vial designs in.  Mine has blue vials, his has red.  When we get married, we’re replacing them with purple.  I don’t think I really have to explain that. 

There’s a lot of symbolism with blue and red and twin flames, which I totally dig.  They are opposites, just as Gemini and Sagittarius are opposites.  In fact, we are EXACT opposites because our birthdays are on December and June 7.  Also, red and blue is the real yin and yang duality, and he and I are most definitely yin and yang.  That isn’t just some fluffy thing to say because we love each other so much, we truly do fit together perfectly complementary like that.  It’s crazy and cool and amazing.  So anyway, after we gave each other the rings, I proposed to Austin and he proposed to my kids.  Although they accepted him as their step dad, Tristan already knows that if all goes well, he’s actually accepting Joth as his DAD dad.  Because he’s the only dad he has right now. 

Speaking of that, I’ll move to the next topic.   

Tristan:  His behavior has improved so much at school!  He still doesn’t get a lot of homework done, and it’s all I can do to bite my tongue instead of telling his teachers that homework is stupid.  I never did it, I still don’t see the point.  Not everyone works like that.  And it isn’t as if it prepares you for the real world, because most jobs you choose do NOT require homework.  So what is the purpose?  You’re at school 6 hours a day anyway.  I honestly believe that’s enough.  But anyway, the biggest factor I see that has helped Tristan is the peace between Joth and I.  Tristan is so sensitive to any discord between us, even though usually it isn’t a big deal.  I think part of his brain associates domestic conflict with trouble, though, and he doesn’t know how to separate normal squabbles from life-threatening situations.  I’m sure he has a little PTSD from the things we went through before, and I try to be more mindful of that and keep things positive around the kids.  It doesn’t always work, and we did have one huge issue, but overall we’ve been on the road to improvement.  Tristan also took his reading test and scored above grade level!  His teacher was super proud of him.   

Wellness Center:  Duuuuuuuuuude.  Okay, so we have another yoga teacher (Amanda) and she’s starting classes next week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We have a belly dance teacher who is teaching classes after Joth’s Monday night yoga.  Joth is doing the Monday night and the Friday morning yoga.  We have his mom, who set up her office and it looks GREAT – 2 days a week, and a reflexologist who will use her office 3 days a week.  We have a massage therapist, Carlita, and Joth does massage also.  Joth is doing hypno and I am leading a reiki 1 class in…OMG in a week, heaven help me.  I can do this!  ALSO, there is a wellness fair here at Kellogg’s and one of the girls from yoga works at Kellogg’s as well, so she emailed me info about it and I got in touch with them JUST before she was sending the posters to the printer.  She said we could have a table there and promote the Holistic Health Center, she had me send her our logo, and we’re good to go!  I’ll be in Mackinac for Tristan’s field trip, but Joth and Helena (the belly dance teacher) will man the table.  We will print up flyers and brochures, and I’m going to make little lotion bars with labels that have our website on them to give away.  Also, we can raffle a free massage or reiki session or whatever. 

Speaking of.  We had a little event last weekend where people could get a hypno session, massage, or reiki session on a donation basis.  We plan to do those regularly to give people the opportunity to experience these things without a financial commitment, or without cost being prohibitive.  Joth did a hypno session on Sunny, a girl from the Mindfulness meetup.  She is so cool!  I really like her  J  Anyway, she was thrilled and wants to do more!  He was so amazing!  He also did a massage on a girl from the reiki share, and booked a massage with a lady who stopped in to see us.  She was the original founder of the HHC, even before Becky took over (Becky is the one who recently passed away).  She is a hypnotherapist, so she and Joth have been trading tips and ideas.  She gave him some advertising advice and even some info about the history of his mom’s house!  I am beyond elated.  I love this feeling.  I definitely know that I am flowing in alignment with my highest purpose.  What is it that Esther Hicks says?  I am in the vortex.  It’s been ridiculously easy, people and practitioners and events have been just flowing to us effortlessly.  I am so delighted! 

We got our business cards, we updated the Facebook page and I created events, Joth has been working on the website, and I’m thinking next weekend we’ll do flyers.  Before I go to Mackinac, so Joth will have them for the wellness fair.  Well, if I get a cord for the computer, we could probably print some up at home – maybe not glossy brochures, but at least an updated newsletter style sheet like they have there now.   

Mood:  Well.  I’ve been generally good, but I felt a little depression coming this past Saturday.  I didn’t want to get out of bed, nothing sounded fun.  I was so blah, and not for any reason at all.  Nothing triggered it, it just came.  Joth was a valiant hero trying to cheer me up, never letting it get him down, never getting discouraged.  He played me happy music, and did a little dance (which I loved – he is so sexy when he dances!  OMG) and brought me a shot of rum, even.  He’s such a loving and thoughtful partner, and I am so blessed to have him in my life.  However, Sunday was another story.  I didn’t sleep at all Saturday night, and we had to go to the office Sunday for our appointments.  For various reasons, I knew that I was susceptible to having bad emotional reactions so I tried to keep things light and stay out of emotional danger zones.  Still, something I said or did was misinterpreted (I was staring blankly at Joth in confusion after asking him a question and not being able to comprehend the answer in my sleep-deprived stupor, and he mistook my stare for one of demanding expectation or criticism) so he freaked out in response to what he thought the look meant, and I freaked out in response to his freaking out because I had no idea what I had done wrong.  It all unraveled from there.  I gave him a few minutes, then came to where he was to see what was wrong.  He started acting afraid of me, putting his hands up and running away, which really hurt my feelings because I hadn’t done anything, nothing at all, and here he was acting terrified.  I tried and tried to understand, to figure it out, and realized I couldn’t and I just didn’t have the energy to try to fix something when I couldn’t even piece together how it had even broken.  I was defeated, discouraged.  I couldn’t do anything but sit down and sob.  Everything on the turn of a dime had gone so wrong, and there was no getting it back to good.  The man I loved was reacting to me like I was some monster coming to attack him, which was heartbreaking, and I couldn’t handle it.  Sorrow overcame me and I sat in the chair and cried.  He responded by criticizing me for bringing this energy into this space, telling me how he couldn’t deal with it, saying things like, “Really?  You’re going to do this right now?” and finally walked off, angry.   

I understand that he may need to walk away, and that’s not what I take issue with.  What really hurt when I was already so raw and vulnerable was the harshness of his reaction.  My crying wasn’t to hurt him, or to punish him, or to criticize him.  I just needed love, and I got the exact opposite.  It would have been fine if I had just let it go, but I was beyond the point of controlling my emotions by then.  I couldn’t let it go.  I tried to talk to him, to reason with him.  I tried appealing to his emotion, I tried cold emotionless logic.  Other than doggedly continuing to try to talk to him to figure out why he was acting the way he was, I was not committing any transgressions.  I kept myself in check, but he continued to resist my efforts to talk, to solve it, to reconnect, to understand what went wrong and why.  Looking back, it wasn’t the time to talk, and he wasn’t in a mental state where he could hear anything anyway.  I eventually ran out of hope and it all came crumbling down.  I surrendered to the wave of despair and let it crash over me and carry me away.  I started lashing out verbally and hurt him, in my state of agony.  It wasn’t okay.  I said things I shouldn’t have – things like I didn’t want to marry him, and I hated him, and other verbal venom.  I seemed so angry, but in reality I was just really so sad, and feeling so lost, and still craving deeply that connection with him.  Of course this was no way to bring that back.  I just couldn’t live without harmony between us though, and in my desperation for reconnection, I severed whatever threads still remained.  People are silly that way.   

Anyway, I could go into the whole thing but it would take a long time.  We talked it out and tried to find ways to make sure things don’t go that way again.  We told each other things that would help us from the other, things we can do for each other to ensure that things like this don’t flare up if someone’s feathers get ruffled.  We shared what hurt, what would have helped, and what we could have done differently.  Things are not as perfect as they were right after we got engaged, but I think using that experience as an opportunity for learning and growth empowers us and strengthens us.   

Well, Tom is back, and he’s being nosy as usual. Gotta go.


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