Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Eclipse/New Moon/VOTING/Dreams coming true!!!!

I’m really hard at work and I’m in a groove, but Tom went to get lunch or something and I feel the need to update because some amazing things have happened!

First, I want to take a moment to talk about Bernie Sanders.  This is the first time that I have ever listened to candidate’s debates or researched a candidate as thoroughly as I have Bernie, because this is the first time a candidate has caught my attention and garnered my admiration with his level of integrity.  (Tom came back so I had to stop, he’s being extra nosy today.  For some reason he thinks it’s his job to be in everyone’s business, having something to say about how loud they talk and how fast I type.  Maybe it’s the police officer in him that makes him feel like he needs to monitor everyone else.  Grrrr but anyway, he went downstairs to get strawberries so I’m BACK!)

Anyway, Bernie.  I see this great divide between Trump and Bernie as the epitome of FEAR vs LOVE.  This message has been communicated through so many different mediums in so many different ways, drilled into my head for years as an obnoxiously obvious truth.  You choose fear, or you choose love.  It isn’t even the vile hatred and horrific lack of empathy or compassion that I most dislike about Trump.  It’s the fact that so many people agree with him.  That so many people support him despite his blatant disregard for any kind of common decency.  He’s a racist, cruel, ignorant, misogynistic man and THEY LOVE HIM.  What does that say about us?  What does that say about humanity?  It’s troubling, to say the least.  The most hilarious part about it all is that many of those who support him claim Christianity.  Is that REALLY what Jesus would have done?  Have minorities forcibly removed from his rallies?  Build a wall, blow up the Muslims?  I really don’t think so.  How can they be so blind to the fact that everything he stands for is in direct opposition to what Christianity is supposed to be about? 

Okay, enough about that.  I’m voting for Bernie in the primaries tomorrow, and I have never voted in primaries before.  I have donated money to his campaign 3 times, and I have never donated to any candidate before.  That’s how much I believe in what he has to say and what he wants to do.  He has been consistent throughout the years, supporting civil rights.  He is for decriminalization of marijuana, LGBT rights, and environmental issues.  He conducts himself with kindness toward Hilary even when interviewers try to bait him into mudslinging.  He’s exactly the kind of person I would want leading this country.  He’s the answer to my wishes.  He’s our only hope, for real though.

I am eating my spinach leaves with balsamic vinaigrette, sipping tea, and getting ready to have a mango Greek yogurt.  I haven’t done yoga yet today; gravity was especially bad this morning.  I didn’t sleep well last night so I didn’t want to get out of bed.  I haven’t even gotten to the best part, but Tom’s back so I will have to do it later.

Okay well I’m not sure how long I have right now, BUT here’s some more good news!  We went to the first meeting of the Battle Creek Mindfulness group at this cozy little yoga studio close to our house.  It’s just like a little basement in a house, but it has a very nice energy.  There were maybe like 10 people there, and everyone was so warm and welcoming.  It felt like home, like it feels to be with Joth.  No judgement, no cliques, no posturing – just genuine, authentic, kind, down to earth people.  It was such a good feeling, I have been trying to find my tribe here in Battle Creek and had every intention of starting a Meetup, but I never did.  Now, I don’t have to!
But wait, it gets better.  While we were there, one of the organizers approached us afterwards because I had mentioned that Joth was a yoga instructor, and he also mentioned that he was a massage therapist.  The guy asked if he taught at any yoga studio here, and he explained that he has not taught in Battle Creek and currently doesn’t have an office since the one in Marshall collapsed.  He mentioned to us that the Holistic Health Center was where they used to meet for the Palchen Study Group (another meditation group) but the owner passed away 6 weeks ago and her husband is currently just holding on to it. 

He said that we could probably rent it on a month to month basis from the guy for a really good price, like 500 a month, and there are already massage rooms set up and ready to go.  I told him that this was so serendipitous because our dream is to open a wellness center for me to do reiki and Ayurveda, both of us to do hypnotherapy, and Joth to do massage and possibly even yoga classes.  It’s like our dreams are coming true for us without us even trying!  We can totally afford $500 a month, since we are fortunate enough to be able to live at Joth’s mom’s without paying anything for rent.  What awesome timing, right??!

Speaking of this weekend, we had a really good weekend.  We didn’t have a huge fight, so that’s progress!  We are learning how to communicate with each other better, finally.  Today is an eclipse and a new moon, so not only is it a great time for new beginnings, it also closes the chapter on the last 6 months.  Apropos, too, because 6 months ago is when I moved in.  I feel it, too.  I feel us moving into the next phase.  I am so excited for what the future brings!

And speaking of the future, I told my mom about us getting married.  I was so nervous about telling my family because I didn’t think they’d be supportive, since I have already been married twice.  Joth was right, though – my mom said she is so happy for us!  She used all caps AND exclamation points, so she really means it!  Wow, that’s such a huge weight off of me that I didn’t even know I was carrying around until it was gone.  YAYYYY I’m 1000% excited now!!!

Well, I’m leaving here to go vote in 15 minutes.  Then tonight I still have yoga to do and Ayurveda to study.  I need to crack down on that since I want to get my certification and see clients ASAP!  Joth is studying this week for his Michigan massage license test, too.  We’re going to have him do that this weekend.  Oooooh and also I’m going to do the sister sweat again in April!  Okay I have to go, later!!!

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