Wednesday, December 4, 2013

And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, Then the piper will lead us to reason./And a new day will dawn for those who stand long, And the forests will echo with laughter...

So, I was playing music while I did yoga today and Stairway to Heaven came on.  I never really realized what a beautiful song that really is, I've heard it many times before but I never really LISTENED. It was pretty inspiring.  Speaking of beautiful, check out today's stone!  Is that gorgeous, or what?!  It's called Wavellite.  I think I'm going to have to find me some.  It's good for stimulating the third eye, focus, and balancing energies.  I just googled "Wavellite Jewelry" and found a really pretty pendant, but it's $110.  Apparently it's pretty rare.

Isn't it weird that in nature, whatever is rare is prized and considered most valuable?  Yet in life, if you don't fit in, you are considered LESS valuable by your peers.  Why do humans not prize the rare within our own species?  Hmmmm.  Food for thought.   

Work went pretty well tonight, it's technically Wednesday now and I'm super excited for the weekend.  I have all kinds of fun ideas to share with the kids.  First, I want to put up the tree.  I want to have a craft night and make ornaments to decorate it with and possibly string popcorn and cranberries.  I also plan to take the kids to the pottery place to paint cookie jars for gifts, which we will fill with cookies on Yule weekend.  Wayland is also having an Art Hop holiday weekend with a parade, Santa meet and greets, a pancake breakfast at the fire barn, live music, a tree lighting ceremony, art, and kids' crafts.  It's going to be such a great time!  I can't wait to make some awesome memories!

Tomorrow I need to remember to schedule my eye doctor appointment.  It's been fun rocking the glasses for a while, but I'm definitely ready to get my contacts back.  Gee, my hair has been fixed, my teeth are being fixed, and I'm about to ditch the glasses -- I feel like I'm getting ready to emerge from this cocoon of blandness as a radiant butterfly again.  You know those movies where the star is a homely girl with drab hair, glasses, and braces...then suddenly she gets contacts and a makeover, and people suddenly notice her?  I kinda feel like that's what's going on here.  I am going to be my most beautiful, healthy self that I can be.  Besides THAT, I weighed myself at my mom's and I only have 8 more pounds of baby weight to lose.  And to be fair, I was pretty skinny when I got pregnant.  Score!!

I have counseling tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that.  I planned on cleaning my apartment today, but I'm going to have to do that Friday.  I'm going to see Juliea on Thursday and get that CD of photos from her at the same time.  Today I didn't really feel very motivated to clean.  I did the dishes, took out the trash, wiped down the counters, and swept on Sunday night but I haven't done much else since then.  I need to get a hold of a vacuum and should definitely try to get a dresser to put all these clothes in, it looks like a laundry bomb exploded in my living room.

Well, as you can see, I don't really have anything enlightening or important to talk about.  I think I'm going to pour some wine and watch this show about the Kennedy assassination that I recorded on my DVR.  Adios!

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