Friday, September 28, 2012

18 Weeks

I don't have much time for this entry, but tomorrow I will be 19 weeks along so I wanted to put a little update of some type.  I have been battling the munchies in a big way, since at my last OB appointment I found out that I had gained 10 lbs in a month!  I went to the grocery store and loaded up on fruit, nuts, protein bars, yogurt, and other healthy selections.  It helps also that I am working at night, which is the time that I am most likely to snack.  Staying busy during that time helps to keep my mind off of food.  It's an ongoing battle, though!  Today I was so proud of myself because instead of eating one of the cheeseburgers in the refrigerator that were calling my name, I ate a protein bar and some crackers instead.  Then I left the house before I could change my mind!

N got a job, which is really good for him and I'm very happy for him.  As far as life in general goes for us, I suppose individually we are doing rather well.  Unfortunately, I am to the point of realizing that our relationship is beyond repair.  I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do, but having a conversation with him about it at this point would be useless.  It's like I am an orange and he is an apple, and in order for me to be happy, I need to be with a strawberry and in order for him to be happy, he needs to be with a pineapple.  I can never turn him into a strawberry and he can never turn me into a pineapple.  That doesn't mean that he isn't a wonderful, fantastic apple.  Also, I could be the best orange that ever could be -- but that means nothing to someone who wants a pineapple.  Ya dig?  Maybe I have too much time on my hands to be coming up with these off the wall analogies.

I haven't had as much heartburn lately, which I think may be related to the fact that I'm not eating as much food as I was before.  Work is going well, although it can be frustrating at times.  Calling people over and over again to take a survey gets boring because most of those calls end in hangups.  Hey, I don't blame them -- I'd hang up on me, too!  Who wants to be on the phone for 20 minutes with a complete stranger taking a survey???  I applied for another job which is full time and pays more, so I'm crossing my fingers that I can get it.

I have both of my kids this weekend and I'm very excited!  No matter what disappointment and hurt I harbor within me, I'm not going to let it show because I want us all to have a good weekend.  Something's got to change, though, and soon.  People underestimate me, but I do have my limits.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

17 Weeks

I'm a ticking time bomb.  I'm not really sure what to do, but I'm absolutely certain that SOMETHING needs to change.  Of course, I believe that the first person I should look at is myself.  What am I doing that may be sabotaging my efforts?  How am I contributing to a bad situation?  What steps have I taken to put myself on this path of bitterness and disappointment? 

I will be the first to admit, I am no saint.  Undoubtedly there are many instances I could find where I did not handle a particular situation the correct way, or where I brought pain and suffering upon myself.  I am all too willing to take all the blame.  The problem is, though, when I take full responsibility for the problems I have now and take action to correct what I am doing wrong, it still doesn't help.  This would indicate a factor at play which has not been taken into account.  If I were doing everything wrong, and then I corrected those behaviors, one would presume that things would get better.  They don't.

Surprise, surprise.  I am just too mentally exhausted and emotionally drained to keep dumping my energy into this black hole of misery.  Someone else needs to take responsibility for their share of creating this mess, or things will never change.  Someone else needs to recognize that they are contributing to the tailspin that is my relationship, or it will crash and burn.  I need help.  I can't save this on my own.

Enough about THAT.  As far as the pregnancy goes, I have entered into the heartburn phase.  It doesn't matter what I eat or how many Rolaids I consume afterward, my acid reflux is out of control.  It's been constantly burning in my chest and tearing up my esophagus for the past four days.  N thinks that this indicates that I will be having a baby with a lot of hair.  Surprisingly, I read in a pregnancy magazine that the old wives' tale connecting heartburn and hairy babies has some truth to it.  Apparently, the hormone which promotes fetal hair growth (progesterone) is also responsible for relaxing the esophagus more and allowing acid to flow more freely up from the stomach.  Interesting, no?

I quit the job at the dry cleaner's.  The drive was so far that I was spending $50 a week on gas.  I was making $8 an hour and getting about 25 hours a week.  To top it all off, I was working HARD.  It was basically a sweatshop!  I would stand over a steaming machine without taking any breaks for four to five hours at a stretch.  My neck would be screaming afterward, my hands would be covered in burns from the iron, and the shirts I attempted to iron would be more wrinkled after my failed efforts than they had been when I got them.  I tried to keep a positive attitude and just stick with it, but one day my boss told me I needed to go faster.  I had been there a few weeks, she said, and I should know the machine well enough to increase my speed.  I explained that what was slowing me down was not putting the shirts in the press, it was the touch-ups.  No one had properly explained to me how to actually iron the damn sleeves, and everyone was so busy running around like chickens with their heads cut off that they simply did NOT have a spare five minutes to train me.  This resulted in me just "winging it" and trying my best to figure it out on my own. 

I have had two job interviews since then and I am desperately hoping to get a call soon about either one.  I am also registered with two temp agencies, so I have GOT to catch my break soon.  In the meantime, I'm going to be doing "market research" at an outbound call center.  Yeah, I'll be one of those annoying people calling you to take a survey.  Hey, at least now I'll be getting paid $8 an hour to just sit and call people.  The downside of this job, though, is that sometimes there is no work for up to a couple weeks at a time.  So it's only a temporary fix.

Well, I suppose that's enough from me today.  Au revoir!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

16 Weeks

Well, I'm 16 weeks along now...and freaking HUGE.  I feel fat.  When you consider that the baby is only about as big as an avocado, there really isn't much explanation for the failure to button my pants anymore.  Besides, when I grab onto this giant belly, it isn't hard and pregnant-feeling.  It isn't full of baby.  It jiggles, like a bowl full of jelly.  Ho, ho, ho indeed.  >:-[

I was thinking about my future, about being saddled with the responsibility of babyhood yet again with a man I'll never trust.  I'm so broke, and I'm never going to get ahead.  I still need to pay off that ticket to get my license unsuspended, then put insurance on my car and renew my plates.  I'm spending 50 a week in gas and 300 a month in rent, which leaves me with exactly zero to do anything else with.  I'm not sure when I'm going to get maternity clothes or start buying baby things, but those aren't exactly purchases which can be postponed indefinitely.  What the fuck am I doing?  What kind of life am I creating for myself?

Enough whining about how much things suck.  Anyway, I suppose things could be much worse.  I have fairly good health, I'm not crippled or paralyzed, I'm of sound mind (sort of), and I'm not starving or sleeping out on the streets.  I have to realize that there are some people who would love to have the life I do, even if I don't appreciate it all the time.  I know I've made some bad decisions and I know my life isn't exactly what I wish it could be, but all any of us can do is focus on the positive.  Believe me, I AM trying.  It's just that I feel like I'm at a dead end sometimes.  After having your heart shattered and your dreams ripped apart so many times, a person has a tendency to become bitter and cynical.  I never wanted that for myself, but I feel like I'm starting to give up on things ever getting better.  One can only stay full of hope for so long before life demonstrates with excruciating clarity that all we are ever destined for is disappointment.  Wow, that sounded cheerful.

I started that post a couple of days ago, and I'm in a somewhat improved state of mind today.  I have been applying for better jobs and I have a really good feeling that I'm going to get one.  I've decided, in regards to my relationship, I've got to either be all in or fold.  If I'm staying with him, I have to give it my best if  I want to have any hope of success.  Yes, we may still fail, but it won't be for lack of me trying.

Things have been a little rough on all fronts lately, but I'm trying my very hardest to hang in there and make the best of things.  For example, I have been going to Mackinac Island every year for almost ten years with my mom, sister, female cousins, aunts, grandma, and her sister.  This year, I was not invited.  Not only that, but my mom paid for my cousin Katie to go and she took her instead.  They didn't even bring me back any fudge.  :(  I do realize I'm presenting a one-sided view of things, because in reality, my mom and I haven't spoken since May.  I've been pretty much kicked out of the family and have not been a part of any kind of family gatherings or anything of the sort.  So, if she HAD invited me, I probably wouldn't have gone anyway.  Who are we kidding?  I know where I'm not wanted.  Whatever.

There was another whole debacle involving my son's birthday party which my brother and his wife threw, but I won't get into that.  I don't want to dwell on negativity.  Suffice it to say, I should never have attended.  It was the most awkward, uncomfortable, humiliating situation ever.  I'm not sure why they even invited me.

Let's see, what's new in pregnancy this week?  Well, I have an insatiable appetite.  I cry for no reason.  The seams of my pants and the cuffs of my socks leave little dents in my skin which take forever to disappear -- I believe this means I am retaining water.  It makes sense, because my ankles are swollen.  This has never happened before.  I also have chloasma this time, which has not happened before either.  It's these little brown splotches on my chest, neck, pelvic area, and back that look kind of like birthmarks.  I read that it goes away sometime after having the baby, which is reassuring.  My bladder is not holding up as well as it did during my first two pregnancies, which just means I have to do more Kegels.  I'm only 4 months along -- if I already have issues with bladder control, that does not bode well for the next 5.

My sister is due in November and of course, she hardly looks pregnant.  Bitch.  She's always been a size 2 and although she claims she's gained 30 pounds, I have no idea where it is.  She's just a skinny girl with a baby belly.  Cute, but I already know I'm not going to be so lucky.  GAHHHHH!  It can be so hard to focus on the positive sometimes!  I feel the baby move all the time, and I'm starting to think it's a girl.  Of course, N wants a boy, but it's not like we get any choice in the matter.  I suppose that's all for now!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rearranging chairs on the Titanic...

I'm sorry, but you should be forewarned that this blog is probably going to contain a lot of venting about my relationship.  That is not to say I'm not happy or that it's a bad relationship, because I'm obviously with this guy for a reason.  It's just that I get frustrated and I have a tendency to discuss my issues with the wrong people.  I have learned that it's best to keep relationship issues to yourself.  People try to get involved, but even if you have given them as unbiased an account as you are capable of, they will tend to have a skewed perspective on the situation at hand.  No one can fully understand the interpersonal dynamics of a couple unless they are actually a part of that relationship.  Friends of either partner will naturally see their friend more favorably in situations involving conflict and have a different take on who is to blame or whether an action was justified.  Not only that, but if you talk shit about your boyfriend to your friends when you're mad, do you really think they're going to want to be buddy buddy with him when things are going well?

Okay, enough of the prologue.  On to the issue at hand.  I just don't know what to do anymore!!!  The problem is, he lies so much.  Consistently.  About anything -- big things, little things, important things, irrelevant things.  He once told me he rolled cigarettes in high school and sold them to his friends for a quarter each.  I totally believed him -- why wouldn't I?  He would have no reason to make that up!  It turned out, though, that it was total bullshit.  From things like that to lying about being married and everything in between.  It's no wonder I second guess everything now!  So here I find myself in the difficult position of being so suspicious that I naturally question everything that comes out of his mouth.  I have no doubt that much of it is lies.  It's not like he just magically cured this pathological lying habit overnight.  The problem?  How to discern the lies from the truth.  Of course if I ask him, he tells me it's ALL truth.  Of course I know that's definitely bullshit.  I just feel like I'm blindly wading in this pool of mystery and I hate the feelings of uncertainty and insecurity I get.  I feel paranoid and crazy, but I'm NOT paranoid -- it's completely natural to doubt a liar!  I love him, but I wonder how much longer I can go on this way.  Besides, how do I know that he even loves ME?  How do I know anything between us is real?  He could very well have been lying about all of THAT from day one.  How would I know? 

Yesterday was bizarre.  We had this talk about how much we love each other and how much we want to try hard to make this work.  He said all the right things and life was good.  Then he asked me if I wanted to watch TV with him, an activity during which we usually cuddle on the couch.  For the second time that day, he sat down in the chair next to the couch.  Yeah, he held my hand, so freaking what?  The arm of his chair and the arm of the couch were between us and it was like we were on a date at the movie theater.  Not even!  His words had said, "I love you and I want to show you how much I care."  His actions completely contradicted that.  His actions said, "I want to put space between us.  I don't want to be close to you.  I don't want to show affection."  In my experience, such a significant change in behavior from a partner is usually a signal of infidelity or loss of interest. 

I do believe he's cheating in some way, but it's almost like I don't want to know.  My heart has cracked so much under the pressure he's put on it in the last few months that I don't know if I could emotionally withstand another attack.  One more injury and it will shatter.  Make no mistake, though -- I KNOW something is wrong.  I feel it.  In order to survive, though, I just need to stick my head in the sand and pretend everything is okay.

I had gone on to type more about my plans for my day off tomorrow, but I hit a wrong button and deleted like three paragraphs.  *sigh*  I guess I'll talk about tomorrow tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

15 Weeks

My friend Shyloh recommended that I watch a movie called, "What the Bleep Do We Know?".  It has to do mostly with quantum physics and the effect our thoughts have on our lives.  It is postulated that we create our own reality, and that much of life is an illusion.  They got into some discussion of subatomic particles and our cells being addicted to certain feelings.  Love as we know it (or think we know it) was even challenged with the suggestion that we do not LOVE anyone, we are merely addicted to certain feelings which this person is able to provide for us.  If that person were to stop "feeding our addiction", so to speak, we would not "love" them anymore.  It was a bit depressing to think of love that way, but the overall feeling I had after watching the movie was positive.

My future has not been predetermined.  My reality depends on my thoughts.  If I listen to what other people say and let their words shape my thoughts, I will be creating the reality that they have predicted for me.  If I look at a person's past and assume that this person will treat me a certain way based on his or her previous actions, I am only making it more likely that he or she will.  With all that in mind, I have been giving this relationship my best effort and attempting to see it in a positive light.  Our future is full of possibilities.  However, I'm not the only one affecting it.  His thoughts and his attitudes shape our destiny as well.  I can't control his mind, so how can I believe that I can single-handedly steer us into safe waters?  What if my positive intentions conflict with contradicting intentions from him?  People establish patterns, and over time, these patterns become hard to break.  If I were to judge his future behavior based on the patterns he has exhibited thus far, the future looks pretty bleak.  But there IS hope, right?  There always has to be.  Miracles happen every day.  It's just difficult to be positive when my trust has been demolished.  I never get a chance to build it back up before he lies to me or betrays me again.  Am I stupid for hanging on so long? 

My feet are KILLING me today  Work wasn't as bad as it has been, though.  I'm FINALLY getting the hang of using that damn iron.  I still hate it, but at least I don't feel helpless and frustrated all day.  Now my only issue is that I don't move as quickly as I'd like to.  I know it'll all come in time, though.  I must admit, I have quit in my mind about 1,000 times.  I'm glad I hung in there, though, because it's not as terrifying as I once believed it to be. 

That's a big problem I have -- when faced with a challenge, my first instince is to bail out and run away.  If I feel like I can't do something, I often quit.  If things get difficult, I give up.  However, I work with his mom and I promised I wouldn't make her look bad.  Not only that, but I'm not sure how long it would take me to find another job and I can't afford to be unemployed right now.

It's almost time for me to start buying maternity clothes.  Ugh -- I do NOT have any extra money in the budget, and I'm not really a big fan of maternity clothes either.  My face feels fat, my thighs feel fat, my butt is getting dimples...eww, eww, EWWWWW.  I'm only 15 weeks along!  I better get my fat ass in gear, otherwise I'm going to get humongous and nasty and I'll never get my body back. 

I spent this past weekend with both of my kids and we had a really great time, for the most part.  N and I had some kind of weird argument which really depressed me and unfortunately I took it out on the kids.  I'm still not really sure exactly what happened, but we got over it eventually.  Tristan wanted to drink coffee, probably because N drinks coffee and he thinks the world of him.  I made him pancakes two mornings in a row because he loves them so much.  Jewel only ever eats cereal for breakfast.  I get nervous when I see how attached both of my children are to N because I'm still uneasy about the future of our relationship.  Once bitten, twice shy.  I have the impulse to give up, but I'm going to hang in there just like I did at work.  I have learned that continuing on when things get uncomfortable is when the most growth is achieved.  Then again, I continued on for three years with Tristan's dad and that just turned out to be a giant waste of my time.  What good does it do for me to want it if he doesn't?  Anyway, I'm dwelling on this.