Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The End.

You used to be a mirror and I swore we were the same

But now I vibrate higher than such petty things as blame

You used to show compassion, now instead you twist my words

You claim you’re not withholding but I know it and it hurts


I don’t have the patience, or the time, to play these games

I thought our love was sturdy but it’s going up in flames

So now I guess it’s over but I think I’ll be okay

After all, I’ll catch a break from fighting every day


And I deserve a sex life that can satisfy my needs

I can grow a garden if I choose the proper seeds

Love and understanding, empathy and trust

The personal recognizance you’re lacking is a must


And I won’t date another man, they’re never satisfied

You told me that I was enough, but once again, you lied

So take your stupid pictures of the girls I’ll never be

Maybe they can be your wife, ‘cause it sure won’t be me

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