Saturday, March 16, 2013


All is NOT well.  Among several other things, I discovered today that I have developed a uterine infection.  Lovely!!!  I noticed this nasty smell a few days ago.  It wouldn't go away...then last night I was really hot, and today I have the chills.  So I called the doctor and I have to go pick up some antibiotics.  FML!  On top of THAT, I went to the circus with the kids today.  I thought having some fun would help.  Maybe it would have, but everywhere I looked I saw BABIES.  I freaked out and started bawling, in front of the kids and everything.   Also I wrote a poem.  Haven't done that in a while.

I'm sick of feeling lonely
Tired of being bored
Don't want to be mistreated
Can't stand to be ignored

I'm searching for a savior
Begging for a break
I'm pondering the question:
How much can I take?

I'm managing the anger
I'm living with the shame
I cover up the damage
It doesn't look the same

I'm screaming to the heavens
And I don't even pray
Knowing that I'm broken
I'll never be okay

I'm dancing like a puppet
For a crowd I'll never please
Until my strings are broken
And I've fallen to my knees

Nothing brings me comfort
And peace can not be found
Crying out for rescue
But your ears don't hear a sound.

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